1. 仅用三行代码即可显示验证码
2. 仅用六行代码即可对验证码的输入进行验证
3. 自定义验证码长度
4. 自定义字符集
5. 支持TTF
6. 使用自定义的GD字体(若TTF不支持)
7. 轻松添加自定义背景图片
8. 丰富的文本支持,包括颜色/角度/透明度选项
9. 文字淆乱Arched lines through text
10. 生成wav格式的CAPTCHA音频文件
11. 自定义CAPTCHA的验证码列表
What is Securimage?
Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse. It can be easily added into existing forms on your website to provide protection from spam bots. It can run on most any webserver as long as you have PHP installed, and GD support within PHP. Securimage does everything from generate complicated CAPTCHA images to making sure the code the user entered was correct.
* Check out the quickstart guide to get going fast
* See live example sites using Securimage
* Download the latest version
* Show an image in just 3 lines of code
* Validate submitted entries in less than 6 lines of code
* Customizable code length
* Choose the character set
* TTF font support
* Use custom GD fonts when TTF is not available
* Easily add background images
* Multi colored, angled, and transparent text options
* Arched lines through text
* Generates audible CAPTCHA files in wav format
* Use a word list for creating CAPTCHA codes