Defend against XSS attacks and standards-breaking comment mark-up by using HTML Purifier.
All comments are filtered against a whitelist of elements and attributes that you choose, while any invalid or unclosed tags are automatically corrected.
Stop spammers in their tracks with extra protection from Akismet.
Spend more time doing what you want and less time managing your guestbook without the use of an ugly Captcha box.
Remember, if you want to use Akismet, you have to register your own API key.
If you don't like the quick and easy default XML storage, you can switch to MySQL.
If those two don't fit the bill, you can roll your own data interface functions by extending the base class.
Users with JavaScript will experience a user-friendly interface enhanced by the light-weight library, Mootools.
The interface gracefully degrades, and functionality will remain the same for users without JavaScript so you don't miss a comment.
Manage your comments. Delete spam and reclassify false positives and negatives from within an easy-to-use interface.