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  • bloofoxCMS


    bloofoxCMS is a free open source content management system (CMS). bloofoxCMS is a small and easy to use CMS. It enables you to manage websites and intranet sites on a very simple way. It is slim but also flexible.

    bloofoxCMS Advantages

    • Very easy installation over web browser by using an automated install process with only 2 steps. If you prefer a manual setup just use our SQL dump files.
    • Easy to use admin panel with structured areas. You need only a relative short training period. The Admincenter includes an intuitive user interface.
    • More simply and fast expandable program code also for PHP beginners. Every php developer is able to extend the code with additional individual code lines.
    • Fast customization und creation of individual template designs with HTML or XHTML and CSS (cascading stylesheets). Our templates are completely free of PHP code. Even web designers without PHP knowledge can create templates.


    Multi language support
    All text constants are collected in one language file. any language is supported for use

    Completely based on templates
    Design and program code is strictly divided into two parts. The templates consist only html/xhtml and css (cascading style sheets). Placeholders include the contents to the correct place.

    XHTML and CSS compatibility
    The templates are conforming the W3C standards of XHTML and CSS.

    Intuitive user interface
    Easy to understand by using the same structure for all forms.

    User management
    All users can have different rights to make changes or see contents and settings.

    Spaw WYSIWYG editor
    This editor allows you to create or modify text contents like in word processing software.

    Multi website handling
    You may manage several websites with only one installation.

    Plugin system
    Extend your installation with different kinds of plugins or create your own extension.

    Examples of plugins:
    - contact form
    - sitemap
    - location
    - search
    - current date
    - ...

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