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  • MODx

    MODx是一个开源的 PHP 应用框架,可以帮助使用者控制自己的网上内容。它是开发人员和高级用户理想的控制系统,任何人都可以使用MODx发布、更新、维护动态网站,或html 静态页面的网站内容。 MODx 也是CSS布局的Ajax CMS ,是一个完全符合XHTML标准规范的php内容管理系统(CMS),内部集成的MooTools、Scriptaculous和Prototype 库,MODx系统能够帮助用户、开发者和CSS设计者或Ajax爱好者快速建立“Web 2.0”网站。

    MODx helps you take control of your online content. An Open Source Content Management Framework, it frees you to build sites exactly how you want and make them 100% yours. Zero restrictions and fast to build. Super-simple templates in HTML/CSS/JS (any lib you want). Registered user systems and a killer community. Welcome to web-building nirvana.

    Feature List

    PHP Application Framework

    A flexible API and event model that allows you to override core behavior. You get incredible flexibility along with the ability to customize MODx to your needs and maintain a simple upgrade path. If you're curious, you can learn more about our PHP Application Framework functionality.

    Strong Web Standards Support

    MODx does not force you into awkward and confusing blocks-this or channels-that templating engines or layout rules. You can build XHTML 1.0 Strict sites just as easily as a tag-soup-table layout. MODx is the dream CMS for CSS and Standards oriented designers.

    Graphical Installer

    Less experienced and new users can get up and running fast with a step-by-step, web-based installer.

    Improved Rich Text Editors

    MODx Rich Text Editors for content are optional plug-ins, making for a smaller base-download. TinyMCE currently ships ready to use. Adding new or preferred RTEs to MODx is simple with FCKeditor available now (as an optional download) and Textile, Markdown and widgEditors on their way.

    Robust CSS Menu Builder

    Menus made from ULs (unorderd lists) are ready to go out of the box. Whether you want something simple as a bulleted list for a sidebar or as complex as Big John's deluxe menus complete with CSS "hover zones", MODx has you covered.

    Works in your favorite browser

    You don't need to install extra software to manage your site. In fact, all you need is a modern web browser to edit your content. You can manage your websites from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and stable production releases of IE 7, Safari 3 or Firefox 3, or higher.

    Web 2.0 Features (yes, that means Ajax)

    MODx is the first free PHP CMS to offer an API that fully supports Web 2.0 Ajax technology. MODx doesn't force you into choosing a single Javascript library. Our Ajax CMS gives you the freedom to choose jQuery, Mootools, ExtJS, Prototype or any other library you choose, even ones that aren't out yet. You can even make use of Ajax today in your own custom sites including live search, web effects, Ajax communications and more.

    Its SEO Force is Strong

    Consider MODx your #1 free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) CMS. With easy to configure friendly URLs and you can go the extra mile using the Strict SEO URLs addon. MODx aids your SEO efforts by making it easier to adjust meta-content of your site on a per-page basis.

    Separate Manager and Web User sessions

    Simplify your testing and development workflow.

    Improved Document Parser and Error handling

    Build better custom applications with a more robust API and greatly improved error handling and reporting inside the manager.

    Custom Content Types

    Use MODx documents to manage your linked Style Sheets, Images and Javascript. Transform them into XML, PDF, Excel or Word documents with snippets and this handy newfeature.

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    Joomla!:Joomla!是一套获得过多个奖项的内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS)。
    ReloadCMS:ReloadCMS是一个采用PHP开发基于平面文件(flat files)开源CMS。它不需要任何数据库支持,但实现了高级CMS的所有功能如:模块化,模板,户管理,高级权限系统和包含在主要模块中的文章,新闻,书签, 聊天和文件归档等等。
    Flux CMS Wiki:Flux CMS是一个基于PHP5与Popoon的XML/XSLT CMS。 它非常易于最终用户使用并具有WYSIWYG功能。
    Enano CMS:KFM是一个开源的在线文件管理器。它既可以单独使用,也可以做为CKeditor、TinyMCE或FCKeditor的文件管理插件使用。支持拖拽操作,可以以图标或列表视图的方式查看文件,可以增加插件以扩展现有功能,可以操作图片,幻灯播放图片,提供搜索功能,视频/mp3播放,文本高亮编辑器,标签归类,支持多种语言。
    CMS Made Simple:CMS Made Simple是一个易于使用的内容管理系统用于具有简单、稳定内容的网站。使用PHP,MySQL和Smarty模板引擎开发。它具有:基于角色的权限管理系统,智能缓存机制(只有当需要时才会从数据库获取),基于向导的安装与更新机制,对系统资源占用少,还包含文件管理,新闻发布和RSS模块等。
    Puzzle Apps CMS:Puzzle Apps CMS是一个网站内容管理工具。它能够帮助程序员与设计人员节省很多时间。 Puzzle Apps CMS不仅是一个CMS,还是一个Web应用开发平台。它灵巧的数据库结构可以让你取得类型的信息。它使用XSLT作为模板引擎。当前该CMS支持MySql,SQLite,PostgreSQL和MSSQL数据库。
    EyeOS:EyeOS是一个开源基于Web的桌面系统,也叫做Web操作系统(Web OS)或Web Office。该系统的基础模块包括了一些办公和PIM(个人信息管理)软件。还可对EyeOS进行扩展使其具有:Blog,Chat,日历,文件管理,论坛,RSS阅读器,文本编辑器,计算器等。
    phpCMS:phpCMS 这个内容管理系统的特点在于对系统要求非常简单,而且具有很高的性能与灵活性。 phpCMS既适合于小型与个人网站,同样也适合于那些复杂,有很高流量的综合网站。 phpCMS不仅仅是是一个内容管理系统,它还是一个模板引擎,一个应用程序框架。 phpCMS简化了许多维护复杂网站的任务。 phpCMS会自动更新网站地图(sitemap),并具有菜单的集中管理,一个综合的全文本搜索引擎。 它把网站的布局完全从网站的内容中分离开来。