• HornetQ

    HornetQ是一个支持集群和多种协议,可嵌入、高性能的异步消息系统。HornetQ完全支持JMS,HornetQ不但支持JMS1.1 API同时也定义属于自己的消息API,这可以最大限度的提升


    HornetQ is an open source project to build a multi-protocol, embeddable, very high performance, clustered, asynchronous messaging system.

    Why should I use HornetQ?

    Here are a selection of the reasons:

    Open Source Software - HornetQ is released under the Apache v 2.0 Licence.

    Written in Java - HornetQ runs on any platform with a Java 5 or later runtime.

    JMS and above - HornetQ supports the JMS 1.1 API and also defines its own messaging API for maximum performance and flexibility. Other protocols are planned for upcoming releases.

    Superb performance - HornetQ class-beating high performance journal provides persistent messaging performance at rates normally seen for non-persistent messaging. Non-persistent messaging performance rocks the boat too.

    POJO-based design - HornetQ has been designed using POJO and minimal third-party dependencies. You choose how you want to use HornetQ: run it stand-alone, integrate it with JBoss Application Server or another Java server/container or embed it directly inside your own product.

    Solid high availability - HornetQ offers server replication and automatic client failover to eliminate lost or duplicated messages in case of server failure.

    Flexible clustering - Create clusters of HornetQ servers that know how to load balance messages. Link geographically distributed clusters over unreliable connections to form a global network. Configure routing of messages in a highly flexible way. Adapt HornetQ to your network topology, not the other way round.

    Management - HornetQ provides a comprehensive management API to manage & monitor servers. It is integrated seamlessly to the servers to work in a HA environment.

    Documentation & Examples - All HornetQ features are documented and examples are provided. Read the documentation, run the examples and leverage HornetQ features to make your messaging code more robust and performant.

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    play-rabbitmq: 这是Play! Framework开发框架的一个扩展模块。用于生产和消费RabbitMQ消息。
    Apache Qpid:Apache Qpid是最新开放企业信息标准AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)的一个开源实现。Java版实现完全支持JMS标准,可运行在任意Java平台上。
    ActiveMQ:ActiveMQ是一个开放源码基于Apache 2.0 licenced 发布并实现了JMS 1.1。它能够与Geronimo,轻量级容器和任Java应用程序无缝的给合。
    Open Message Queue:Open Message Queue是Sun Java System Message Queue的一个开源版本。Open message queue是一个企业级,可升级,非常成熟的消息服务器。它为面向消息的系统集成提供一套完整的JMS(Java Message Service )实现。由于Open MQ源自Sun的Java Message Queue,所以其具有Java System Message Queue拥有的所有特性,功能和性能。
    MantaRay:MantaRay基于peer-2-peer 技术。它具有以下特性:
    4.能与WebLogic and WebSphere 给合。
    5.支持TCP, UDP 与 HTTP传输协。
    Presumo:Presumo也是一个实现Java Message Service API的JMS消息中间件。
    Hermes JMS:利用它提供的Swing UI可以很好的实现监控JMS providers。
    OpenJMS:OpenJMS是一个开源的Java Message Service API 1.0.2 规范的实现,它包含有以下特性:
    *. 它既支持点到点(point-to-point)(PTP)模型和发布/订阅(Pub/Sub)模型。
    *. 支持同步与异步消息发送
    *. JDBC持久性管理使用数据库表来存储消息
    *. 可视化管理界面。
    *. Applet支持。
    *. 能够与Jakarta Tomcat这样的Servlet容器结合。
    *. 支持RMI, TCP, HTTP 与SSL协议。
    *. 客户端验证
    *. 提供可靠消息传输、事务和消息过滤