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  • SuperWaba

    SuperWaba是一个开源的PDA和智能手机应用程序开发平台。该平台主要由虚拟机、开发和部署工具、UI控件等组成。支持的手机操作系统包括:Palm OS、Windows CE、Pocket PC、Symbian等。

    SuperWaba is an open-source software development platform for PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and Smartphones . The SuperWaba Software Development Kit (SWSDK) consists of:

    » SuperWaba Virtual Machine (SWVM) - using the "write once run anywhere" concept which provides portability to developed applications.

    » Basic and Extension Libraries - providing functionality for commercial applications development.

    » Build and Deployment tools - to build and install developed applications on the targets devices.

    » Examples and documentation

    Superwaba was created in beginning of 2000 by Guilherme Campos Hazan (Guich) and derived from another open-source project called Waba (from WabaSoft).

    Because of the way SuperWaba was designed, developers can use common Java IDE tools to develop SuperWaba programs. However, SuperWaba does not implement any portion of Java specification and has no connection to Sun Microsystems, the owner of the Java brand and related trademarks.

    Basic Features
    Any Java IDE can be used to develop SuperWaba based applications.
    Easy Debugging through an applet that emulates the target devices on the desktop.
    Rich set of user interface controls and functionalities including: editbox, combobox, buttons,Grid, menus, sound (wav/midi), graphics, listbox, label, event support, timer, date picker, keyboard, calculator, scrollbars, pop-up windows, and a exclusive form for control positioning that makes the application to fit in any resolution (relative positioning).
    Graphic performance: SuperWaba’s SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer) implementation provides lots of power for graphic processing, adding many multimedia features to the platform.
    Better memory usage on Palm OS devices (allows memory allocation independently of devices standards).
    Target Platforms Supported
    Palm OS 3.0 or higher
    Windows CE 2.11 or higher, Pocket PC, .Net
    Symbian 7.0 and 7.0s
    Windows 98 or higher (SuperWaba based applications runs on the desktop computers without Java Runtime Environment)
    Linux desktop.
    Advanced Features
    Unicode support allowing foreign characters exhibition.
    GPS Library, supporting global positioning information processing.
    Support for XML files handling.
    Personal Information Management Abstract Layer (PIMAL), allowing cross-platform access to Address Book, To Do List and Calendar information
    Library for Game development.
    Symbol® Barcode Scanners support for Pocket PC and Palm OS.
    Cryptography Library, implementing the following algorithms: Blowfish, MD5, SHA1, TEA.
    Allows native libraries creation (written in C language) to be integrated with SuperWaba based applications.
    Zlib Library for zip files handling.
    Support for multiple graphics file formats including BMP, JPEG, PNG and GIF
    Includes a utility that converts TrueType fonts to multi-platform fonts supported by SuperWaba.
    Support for HTML handling.
    Class SWUnit, allowing testcases generation to be executed within the target devices.
    Data Features
    File class for common files handling, including support to Secure Digital and Memory Stick cards.
    Open specification database API (SWDBC), with two available implementations:
    IBM Db2e driver, providing integration with Db2 pocket database;
    PDBdriver 3.0, which allows PDB handling with the basic SQL commands like SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE and other SQL functionalities like aggregate functions (avg, max, min, sum, group by, order by);
    Catalog class for PDB (Palm Database) file manipulation on all target platforms.
    Socket Support for TCP/IP, InfraRed, serial port, USB and Bluetooth communication.
    Printing Library.
    Support for HTTP and FTP protocols.
    Email sending class (SMTP).
    Webservices Support.
    Minimum Requirements**
    The SWSDK can be installed on Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
    Pentium II or equivalent, with 128 Mb of memory available
    Minimum of 200 Mb of hard disk space.
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