• Smooth Metal look & feel

    SmoothMetal is a wrapper for some of Sun's Java Look and Feels to enable anti-aliasing.
    Anti-aliasing is the process of smoothing text and images by introducing intermediary colours to fool the eye into believing that the resolution is somewhat higher than it is. Thus a black character on a white background is 'smoothed' with shades of grey. You can see this in Windows XP when using ClearType, or enable it in X11 using Xft. MacOS X and RISCOS users get it for free along with KDE and Gnome desktop users on Linux, Solaris and elsewhere.
    While operating systems have moved ahead and most now offer anti-aliasing, Sun has said it will not be officially offering anti-aliasing in Swing until Java 1.5. SmoothMetal allows you to get around this and make your Swing apps look just a bit better.


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    Tonic Look & Feel:这是Swing金属(Metal)外观的免费实现方案.
    Compiere Looks:Compiere Looks是一个3D color,它扩展了Java Metal pluggable Look and Feel。
    Quaqua:Quaqua能让Java应用程序的皮肤换成接近于Mac OS X的苹果人性化界面标准。
    pgs look & feel:PgsLookAndFeel是一个漂亮的,跨平台的Swing外观.

    Substance look & feel:这个项目的目的是提供一个流行的外观(look & feel)。这个外观(look & feel)联合了Windows XP和MacOS 10.4最好的特性并且需要JDK 5.0以上。

    LipstikLF:LipstikLF Look and Feel是模仿KDE主题引擎Lipstik实现的一个Swing皮肤。LipstikLF设计地非常快速、简洁并尽可能做得与Lipstik外观相似。它适用于Java1.4和1.5。
    l2fprod-common:Swing已经构建很多组件,但是还有一些比较流行的组件没有提供.这个开源项目刚好提供这些少掉的组件.l2fprod-common提供的组件有:PropertySheet,collapsible task pane,button bar,font chooser,directory chooser.以下是其中一个组件.