• Jampa

    Jampa是一个基于Eclipse RCP开发的音乐播放器。支持跨平台Windows和Linux,Jampa可以使用MPlayer(一个跨平的音频/视频播放器)做为它的播放引擎。

    What is Jampa ?

    Jampa is just another music player. So why another one ? I had been looking for the perfect (in my point of view) music player for long times. I had some objectives criterion. It had to be open-source, and able to run both on Linux and Windows (because i run Linux at home and Windows at work, and i like to have the sames applications). It also had to be able to display music library using embended tags, but also « classic » directory tree structure, as my music is far from being well-tagged. I had also some more subjectives criterion, like « beauty », « simplicity», or « ease of use ».

    The latest music player i tried was aTunes. It was great, open source, and met all my objectives criterion. It also had some really good features. I mostly liked playlists management using tabs, and the tray icons allowing to pause or skip songs in one click.

    But aTunes has some drawbacks (in my point of view), mainly in my subjectives criterion. First thing, it has too much things that i do not need, like favorites, podcats, last.fm and AudioScrobbler integration. Another thing is i dislike themable application, and swing application (if you do not know what swing is, don't worry, this is a very geeky point).

    So i went on writting my own music player, focused on my needs. I must admit that i took some good ideas (mainly the two mentioned above, playlists management and tray icons) and maybe some pieces of code from aTunes. I would like to thanks people who worked on it, aTunes is a great software, and anyone looking for a music player should take a look at it.


    Focused on playlists

    Everything is playlist in Jampa. Whenever you choose to enqueue a file or a set of file, they are added into a playlist. If no playlist is specified, they are added to a default playlist. This default playlist always exists and cannot be deleted.

    Playlists are displayed using tabs. They can be easily modify and organized at any time. They are automaticaly saved.

    Library and/or filesystem view
    Jampa can display your music based on embended tags or directory structure.
    Fully customizable user interface
    All views can be moved and docked wherever you want.
    Frontend for MPlayer
    Jampa can use MPlayer, a powerful, multiplatform audio and video player, as its playback engine.
    Jampa is « offically » supported on Windows and Linux, but may be able to work on any platform supported by Java, MPlayer, and Eclipse RCP.
    Open source
    Jampa is released under the term of the GPL version 3.

    How to use

    Note on views
    There is six types of views in Jampa. Five of them are unique, that is only one instance of them can be openned at a time, while the last one can have multiple instance. The five main views are:
    • File System view: display a folder/file view of your music library based of the file system structure;
    • Library view: display a Artist/Album/Title view of your music library, based on the tags in your audio files;
    • Controls view: display Previous/Stop/Pause/Next buttons, as well as volume control buttons;
    • Playlists view: display the list of the available playlists;
    • Default playlist: display the default playlist, where are enqueue files unless another playlist is specified;
    The sixth view is the generic playlist view. One per available playlist can be openned. All views can be moved, closed or docked as you want. If you closed a view by mistake, just use the Window menu item to reopen it.
    Managing playlists
    The management of playlist is done through the Playlists view. This view shows the list of available playlists. It can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking on the column header. Double-click on a playlist to open it.
    Managing playlists is done through the right-click popup menu or the toolbow buttons. You can add, delete or copy playlists.
    Adding files to a playlist
    You can add files through the File system or the Library views. The easiest way is to double click on the item you want. All files belonging to this item will be added to the default playlist.
    To add files to a specific playlist, right click on the item and choose the option "Enqueue in playlist". From there you can select the target playlist from the available ones, or create a new one.
    Managing files in a playlist
    In an openned playlist, the following actions can be performed:
    • Play a file;
    • Remove a file or a selection of files;
    • Clear the playlist;
    • Move a file or a selection of files up or down;
    • Copy the plyalist;
    All those actions can be performed either by the right-click menu or by the toolbar buttons on the top of the view.

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