• Equinox

    Equinox是AppFuse的一个轻量级版本。Equinox使用Spring MVC与Hibernate作为默认实现(数据库为:PostgreSQL)。但是你可以把Web框架改成JSF, Struts,Tapestry或WebWork。也可以把持久层框改成iBATIS,JDO(JPOX),Spring JDBC或OJB()。同时支持Ant和Maven2进行构建与测试。AppFuse与Equinox的不同之处在于AppFuse有以下特性: 1.使用Acegi Security进行授权和认证; 2.用户管理; 3.为基于增删改查(CRUD)的应用程序自动生成代码; 4.文件上传;

    Equinox is a lightweight version of AppFuse. I was inspired to create it while writing Spring Live  and looking at the struts-blank and webapp-minimal applications that ship with Struts and Spring, respectively. These "starter" apps were not robust enough for me, and I wanted something like AppFuse, only simpler.

    Much of the documentation for developing with Equinox can be found in the QuickStart Chapter from Spring Live. If you have issues downloading this PDF, you might try saving it to your hard drive before opening it. The QuickStart Chapter covers developing with Struts, Chapter 4 covers developing with Spring MVC and Appendix A covers JSF, Tapestry and WebWork. AppFuse has online tutorials for developing with all of these frameworks.

    Equinox uses Spring MVC and Hibernate by default. However, you can change your web framework to JSF, Struts, Tapestry or WebWork. You can also change your persistence framework to be iBATIS, JDO (JPOX), Spring JDBC or OJB. Both Ant and Maven 2 are supported for building and testing.

    For a web framework comparison check out my presentation on comparing these frameworks. A more detailed comparison can be found in Spring Live, Chapter 11. AppFuse contains all 5 web framework options as well.

    The major differences between AppFuse and Equinox are that AppFuse has the following features:

        * Authentication and Authorization with Acegi Security
        * User Management
        * Code generation for CRUD-based applications
        * File Upload
        * Active and Vibrant User Community

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