• Ajax Agent

    Ajax Agent是一个非常易于使用(只需三行代码),并且非常强大的开源框架用于快速构建AJAX或RIA应用程序。支持复杂的数据类型比如:associated arrays与object。使用JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)作为数据交换格式。

    Hello Developers,

    Ajax Agent is a very easy to use, yet very powerful open source framework for rapidly building Ajax or Rich Internet Applications (RIA). For the PHP version, it takes only three lines of code to invoke a remote scripting call. Remote scripting is an integral part of Ajax. Check the following code (for PHP version).

    agent.call('url','server_function', 'client_handle', param1, param2, ...);

    The first line is declared to include the Ajax Agent library, initialize the agent framework & instantiate the server side 'Agent'. The second line instantiates the client side 'Agent'. The third line which runs on the client side within the JavaScript browser environment, uses the client side 'Agent' to directly call the server function asynchronously. Ajax Agent supports complex data types like associative arrays & objects. It makes use of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for data interchange format to achieve this. Check this short documentation to learn how to use this framework.

    Check the FAQ section for more info. If you have questions not addressed in the FAQ, please post them in the Forum section so that we can answer them.

    Check out some cool demos in the Cool Demos section to see what can be done using the Ajax Agent framework. You are encouraged to register so that you can be notified of updates in demos & features.

    Ajax Agent is an evolving UI framework with a newly defined software pattern called 'Agent' which encapsulates the browser specific 'bells & whistles' and offers a potential for a persona for good user experience.

    The first public version (v 0.1) is available for download in the Downloads section. This download includes all the demos. It is open source and licensed under the GNU General Public License. You are encouraged to use for commercial as well as non commercial use. You are required to keep the licensing comments within the JavaScript code. We are not looking for any financial donation but if you wish to participate or contribute your time, please contact us.

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