• Ajaxed MySQL Table Editor

    Ajaxed MySQL Table Editor是一个开源的Web应用程序用于编辑MySQL表格和快速创建数据管理页面。除了标准的"新增、删除、修改、查看和复制"功能之外,还具有搜索,分页,排序,隐藏/显示列和导出成CSV等功能。

     Mysql Ajax Table Editor is a very versatile and customizable mysql editor. It is PHP4 and PHP5 compatible and it has incredible join capabilities. This mysql editor has the ability to join on multiple tables and maintain search functionality and best of all it is written with ajax. This makes the script very dynamic and it can be customized to fit almost every application. Things like dynamic forms and user defined actions make it very powerful.

    If you are web master or aspiring to be be a web master this script will save you hundreds of hours. Mysql Ajax Table Editor is very easy to set up and use. It comes with all of the files needed to quickly set up the two examples seen on this site. Check out the join example and the simple example to see what the mysql ajax table editor can do and be sure to look at the configuration source code and the raw table data so you can see what is going on behind the scenes.

    Mysql Ajax Table Editor...

        * Is open source
        * Is easy to set up
        * Can edit multiple rows.
        * Will allow you to create dynamic web applications with ajax in a matter of minutes
        * Can easily create admin pages for web applications
        * Can perform complex joins on multiple tables and maintain search functionality
        * Provides excellent Support (see testimonials below)
        * Has language support

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