• Backup2Mail


    Backup2Mail is mini PHP application that creates regular backups of your MySQL database and sends it to configurable e-mail address. The whole process is scheduled with a help of Cron, a Unix program that runs programs at scheduled times.

    Install and setup (with SSH)

    1. Open 'index.php' in you text-editor and change settings. If you're not sure about something, leave the default values. Database settings and your e-mail are required.
    2. Upload folder in your public web folder to test it. Open the file in your browser. If you see the black page with green letters and there's no errors, you can proceed.
    3. Create new folder 'backup2mail' in your web root, above the public web folder — you don't want someone to run the script from the browser, right?
    4. Move all files from your temporary folder to 'backup2mail'
    5. Connect with SSH to your server, type crontab -e (to edit Cron schedule table) and the text editor should show up.
    6. Add the following line:
      0 0 * * * php /home/your_account/backup2mail/index.php >/dev/null 2>&1

      Numbers and asterisks are the interval part, see the cheat sheet below.
      php /home/your_account/backup2mail/index.php means that PHP will execute the script, and >/dev/null 2>&1 tells Cron not to send output to e-mail specified in the first line of Cron configuration file.

      Replace 'your_account' with your account username, and adjust the interval (the above is everyday at midnight).

      Interval cheat sheet

      * * * * * every minute
      0 0 * * * every day at midnight
      0 5 * * * every day at five o'clock in the morning
      (11 = 11AM, 23 = 11PM)
      0 0 * * 0 every Sunday at midnight
      (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ...)
    7. Hit Control + X to close the file, type Y to save changes, press Enter to confirm.
    8. Type crontab -l to check if everything is set properly. If it is, exit command line.
    9. Wait for the first backup to arrive in your mailbox.
    10. If you received the backup file, you're done. Buy yourself something nice!

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