• phpMyBitTorrent

    phpMyBitTorrent是一个采用PHP开发的BitTorrent Tracker。支持从trackers架设torrents。phpMyBitTorrent支持所有最新的BitTorrent扩展协议包括:Compact Announce,MultiScrape,DHT,Peer Count,Tracker ID,Unique Peer ID,Backup Tracker等。提供HTTP-Basic验证,密码验证,嵌入式HTML编辑器,批量上传等。

     phpMyBitTorrent is the brand new Open Source solution for BitTorrent communities! phpMyBitTorrent is not just a simple tracker like the ones you see around. It has so many amazing features that it cannot be called simply a "Tracker". In fact, it is a BMS (Bittorrent Management System), something like a BitTorrent-oriented Content Management System.
    Some points to convince you of phpMyBitTorrent's supremacy:

    phpMyBitTorrent is Free Software!

    phpMyBitTorrent is Open Source Software, distributed under the GNU/GPL license. This means that the code is open for scrutiny by anyone, and anybody can join in the development effort.

    phpMyBitTorrent is easy!

    phpMyBitTorrent is provided with full documentation to help you install it step by step in no time, even if you've never heard of PHP/MySQL.

    When you start phpMyBitTorrent, you'll discover help system based on OverLib and image-popups.  Just point the mouse over the "Info" icon and read what the item in question is about, and how to use it.

    phpMyBitTorrent is up-to-date!

    phpMyBitTorrent supports all the latest BitTorrent Protocol Extensions, including Compact Announce, MultiScrape, DHT, Peer Count, Tracker ID, Unique Peer ID, Backup Tracker, etc.

    phpMyBitTorrent is not only BitTorrent!

    There are many ways other than BitTorrent to share your files. GNutella, Direct Connect, eDonkey are some of them. ed2k and Magnet URIs are automatically generated for all files in a torrent, and are presented as alternate Links. You can also allow users to submit Magnet and ed2k links without a torrent.

    phpMyBitTorrent has low requirements!

    All you need is some webspace with PHP and a MySQL database to start building your File-Sharing Community.

    phpMyBitTorrent is secure!

    Stop leechers from downloading more than their share! Choose who can download your files and who can't. See who is downloading your Torrent and who is helping you share it. Define rules to avoid annoyance by Download Requests. Choose friends and foes. Keep your anonymity. And that's just the tip of the iceberg....

    phpMyBitTorrent is easy on the eye!

    You can choose your personal theme that reflects your style, choose your avatar displayed next to comments you make ..

    phpMyBitTorrent is fast!

    phpMyBitTorrent uses the minimum number of code lines required to do all the amazing things it does. Memory usage is low because every single variable is deleted when not needed any more.

    phpMyBitTorrent is easy to m0d!

    If you know some PHP, you will find incredibly easy to add new features to phpMyBitTorrent. Just include the header and footer pages at the beginning and end of your script, and you'll be able to access all phpMyBitTorrent incredible code layer with basic functions for theming, database access and Torrent encoding.

    phpMyBitTorrent is Open Source Free Software developed on SourceForge.net Open Source Community.

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