
    The Bug Genie is an open source enterprise level issue tracking system, built on open source technology. It enhances your development process, by offering an advanced tool to manage bug reports, feature requests and user feedback for your products.


    Friendly issue reporting

    Reporting an issue takes place on one page - no need to click through several pages. Because we use Web 2.0 technology to update the content as the issue is created, information presented is relevant to the user at all times.

    A sidebar presents the user with helpful information - such as how to write a good issue description - making sure the user is never lost. The same sidebar also provides information about other similar issues, reducing the chance for duplicate issue reports.

    Easy to use and administer

    Easy to use

    You can do pretty much anything in The Bug Genie without having to jump through hoops. Whether you're a power user, or just dropping by to report an issue, The Bug Genie is easy to use.

    Easy to administer

    There are no configuration files. No, seriously. Administer anything from our Configuration center, and it's updated instantly.

    Open, but secure

    Truly open source

    The Bug Genie is released under an open source license (MPL 1.1), and is built using PHP. Oh, and we fix bugs faster than you can report them.

    Truly secure

    The Bug Genie lets you control access to all your issues, products, editions, milestones and more. Using a powerful credential manager, you can be safe, knowing that your clients are safely separated.


    Fully localized

    The Bug Genie is fully translatable, and is available in several languages by default, including english, spanish, german, swedish, french and norwegian. We are also adding more translations as they are completed, with italian coming up next. Feel free to help us!

    Feature rich

    Enterprise level feature set

    The Bug Genie has everything you need, and we're continuously expanding our feature set.

    Check out a short list of some of our current features:

    • Support for multiple products, editions and builds
    • Users, groups, teams and detailed access control
    • Automatic roadmap generation
    • Relate issues, create issue sub-tasks and vote for issues
    • Product dashboard with live statistics and overview
    • Powerful search and report generation tools
    • Integrated OpenSearch functionality
    • User and team messaging with multiple folders and search
    • Publishing tools for articles, and billboards for easy, quick information sharing
    • Calendars with events, meetings and tasks
    • Email notifications on new and updated issues
    • Integration with subversion
    • Scopes support - create separate self-contained The Bug Genie environments on the same installation
    • Fully translatable

    Modular and extensible

    Modular architecture

    The Bug Genie 2 is built ground up to be modular. Search, messaging, SVN integration, news & articles and email notifications are all modules which has been created for The Bug Genie 2. Feel free to build your own modules, or expand the existing ones.


    The Bug Genie 2's core function set - the B2 framework - makes integrating your existing applications into The Bug Genie easy. See the documentation for more information.

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    phpBugTracker:phpBugTracker是一个基于web的bug跟踪器提供的功能类似于其它缺陷跟踪系统,比如 Bugzilla。 采用分层设计:表现层+应用层+数据库层。所需要的运行环境:Web服务器+PHP+PEAR+数据库 (MySQL,PostgreSQL或Oracle)。
    Double Choco Latte:Double Choco Latte是一个用于跟踪软件Bug,变更,改进和请求的系统。 该系统支持多项目,多用户。
    eTraxis:eTraxis是一个可以无限量定制流程模板个数的Bug跟踪系统。 它支持的数据库包括:MySQL、 PostgreSQL、MSSQL和Oracle。支持LDAP。可以自定义Bug记录模板。灵活的权限管理。提供高级查询过滤器。Email通知。导出成CSV。历史事件与变更管理。类似于论坛的用户讨论功能等。
    Bug Tracker:Bug Tracker是一个采用PHP开发的软件缺陷追踪系统,它可以协助您管理软件开发流程。 它使用数据库(PostgreSQL 或MySQL )来存储缺陷、待增的功能、待办事项,可以让您在管理软件开发时更有效率。Bug Tracker 有二种使用者界面,一个是给内部开发团队使用,另一个则是给外部客户查看报表用。它具有完整的使用者、群组权限管理系统、数据库查询及过滤功能、常见问答、文件管理、通过email发送报表等诸多功能。
    Eventum:Eventum是一个用户友好,灵活的缺陷跟踪系统。 支持部门可以用它来跟踪新的技术支持请求。 软件开发团队可以用它来快速组织任务与Bug。 Eventum已经被MySQL AB技术支持团队使用,并帮助他们提高响应时间。
    Mantis:Mantis是一个缺陷跟踪系统具有多特性包括:易于安装,易于操作,基于Web,支持任何可运行PHP的平台(Windows,Linux,Mac,Solaris,AS400/i5等),已经被翻译成68种语言,支持多个项目,为每一个项目设置不同的用户访问级别,跟踪缺陷变更历史,定制我的视图页面,提供全文搜索功能,内置报表生成功能(包括图形报表), 通过Email报告缺陷,用户可以监视特殊的Bug,附件可以保存在web服务器上或数据库中(还可以备份到FTP服务器上),自定义缺陷处理工作流,支持输出格包括csv、Microsoft Excel、 Microsoft Word,集成源代码控制(SVN与CVS ),集成wiki知识库与聊天工具(可选/可不选),支持多种数据库(MySQL、MSSQL、 PostgreSQ、Oracle、DB2),提供WebService(SOAP)接口,提供Wap访问。
    BugFree:BugFree是借鉴微软的研发流程和Bug管理理念,使用PHP+MySQL独立写出的一个Bug管理 系统。简单实用、免费并且开放源代码(遵循GNU GPL)。 如何有效地管理软件产品中的 Bug,是每一家软件企业必须面临的问题。遗憾的是很多软件企业还是停留在作坊式的研发模式中,其研发流程、研发工具、人员管理不尽人意,无法有效的保证质量、控制进度,并使产品可持续发展。
    命名BugFree 有两层意思:一是希望软件中的缺陷越来越少直到没有,Free嘛;二是表 示它是免费且开放源代码的,大家可以自由使用传播。