• MySQL Sidu

    MySQL Sidu是一个类似于PHPMyAdmin的MySQL数据库管理工具。支持按表格名称首字母对表格进行分组。支持对搜索结果进行过滤,排序。

    What is MySQL Sidu ?

    MySQL Sidu is a FREE MySQL client working via web browser. MySQL Sidu is simple, intuitive and easy database tool to use!

    What does Sidu stand for ?

        * Sidu stands for SQL select insert delete update.
        * Sidu can do more jobs than above mentioned tasks.
        * Sidu works via web browsers such as Firefox as well as IE.
        * Sidu looks like MySQL font-end software GUI rather than web page.

    List of MySQL Sidu Features

    MySQL Sidu has and planned to have all features which you found in phpMyAdmin or software like SQLyog.
    In addition, sidu has some extra features that you might not find in other MySQL clients, such as:

    Quick view of some of the features

        * MySQL Sidu can group tables by first x chars of table names, and which you can control freely;
        * Data result can be sorted in 1 column or 2 columns, which you can switch to your favorable mode;
        * Table list of a database can also be sorted and filtered;
        * Sidu can connect to MySQL servers locally and remotely, with the ability to save your connections on the server;
        * As sidu is working on the web, there are several security controls to protect the data from un-authorized accesses;
        * Sidu is working for multiple users and multiple sessions at the same time;
        * Manage MySQL access tables easily with "GUI".
        * Empty, drop, export or change engine of tables at one click.
        * Smart data import to make your database admin merrily.

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