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  • Mandarin CCDS

    Mandarin CCDS是一个基于PHP5/MySql5开发的内容管理系统CMS。支持多种语言。前台采用Smarty引擎、Xajax和jQuery等项目实现。

    Mandarin CCDS

    Mandarin CCDS is a PHP5/MySql5 based CMS including Smarty Template Engine, Xajax and jQuery with multi language support, in place editing and much more useful features.

    Mandarin CCDS uses a different approach of storing and returning contents than most other content management systems. The backend stores all objects (contents) in a tree structure. All objects belong to a certain class and each class consists of basic properties and (optional) content fields (mysql tables) and/or parameters. The entire frontend is completely customizable using Smarty templates. There are no predefined column layouts and/or content areas. Mandarin CCDS adds its own functions to the template engine for querying all kinda objects from the database. If you are already familiar with smarty and sick of writing your own custom backends, you will like it!

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