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  • HAProxy服务器配置手册
    时间:2009-08-07   作者:willy tarreau   出处:finalbsd

    本文档覆盖了如上版本HAProxy的所有配置命令. 但是不提供任何的提示(hint)、示例(example)或建议. 如果你要获得此类信息,请查看“参考手册”和“架构手册”。

        本文档覆盖了如上版本HAProxy的所有配置命令. 但是不提供任何的提示(hint)、示例(example)或建议.

     - 命令行参数,这是最优先的
     - global(全局)段,设置进程级参数
     - 代理配置段,通常位于"default", "listen", "fronted", "backend"这样的形式内。



      - us : microseconds. 1 microsecond = 1/1000000 second
      - ms : milliseconds. 1 millisecond = 1/1000 second. This is the default.
      - s  : seconds. 1s = 1000ms
      - m  : minutes. 1m = 60s = 60000ms
      - h  : hours.   1h = 60m = 3600s = 3600000ms
      - d  : days.    1d = 24h = 1440m = 86400s = 86400000ms

    1. Global(全局)参数

    "global" 段的参数是进程级的,通常和操作系统(OS)相关。这些参数一般只设置一次,如果
    为准,后面的无效)。 这些参数其中一些有对应的命令行参数。


     * 进程管理和安全
       - chroot
       - daemon
       - gid
       - group
       - log
       - nbproc
       - pidfile
       - uid
       - ulimit-n
       - user
       - stats
     * 性能调优
       - maxconn
       - noepoll
       - nokqueue
       - nopoll
       - nosepoll
       - spread-checks
       - tune.maxaccept
       - tune.maxpollevents
     * 调试
       - debug
       - quiet

    1.1) 进程管理和安全

    chroot <jail dir>
      切换运行目录到<jail dir>并且在放弃超级权限前执行chroot()。这会增强HAProxy的安全
      级别。仅在HAProxy以超级用户启动时才能使用。要注意的是<jail dir>必须为空并且其他

    gid <number>
      一样的gid。 HAProxy必须以属于此组的用户启动,或者使用root来启动。
      参考group 和 uid.
    group <group name>
      参考gid和 uid.
    log <address> <facility> [max level]
      添加一个全局的syslog服务器。 最多允许定义2个全局服务器。这些服务器将接收HAProxy的
      启动和退出日志,如果代理配置里设置了log global,可以接收所有日志。

      <address> 可以为:

            - 一个IPv4 IP地址后跟一个:和一个UDP端口。如果端口不指定, 默认使用514

            - 一个到UNIX domain socket文件的路径。注意chroot(此文件在chroot内能访问)

      <facility> 必须为如下24种标准syslog设备的一种:

              kern   user   mail   daemon auth   syslog lpr    news
              uucp   cron   auth2  ftp    ntp    audit  alert  cron2
              local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7

      等于或高于此级别的日志才会发出。 8个级别为:

          emerg  alert  crit   err    warning notice info  debug

    nbproc <number>
      默认只创建一个进程, 这也是推荐的运行模式。 对那些每个进程的文件描述符被限制为
      很小值的系统来说, 可能需要开启多个daemon进程。但是使用多个进程将使调试变
    pidfile <pidfile>
      将所有进程的pid写入文件<pidfile>。 等同于命令行参数"-p"。 启动进程的用户必须

    stats socket <path> [{uid | user} <uid>] [{gid | group} <gid>] [mode <mode>]
      在<path>下创建流模式的UNIX套接字. 任何已存的套接字会备份后会被替换。连接到
      此套接字并输入show stat后会得到一个CSV格式的输出,输出包括进程信息。输入show

    stats timeout <timeout, in milliseconds>

    stats maxconn <connections>

    uid <number>
      其他类似进程一样的uid。 HAProxy必须以root来启动从而切换到其他用户运行。

    ulimit-n <number>
      设置每个进程的最大文件描述符数。默认的, 此值会自动计算,所以不推荐设置此参数。

    user <user name>

    1.2) 性能调优

    maxconn <number>
      Sets the maximum per-process number of concurrent connections to <number>. It
      is equivalent to the command-line argument "-n". Proxies will stop accepting
      connections when this limit is reached. The "ulimit-n" parameter is
      automatically adjusted according to this value. See also "ulimit-n".
      设置每个进程的最大并发连接数. 等于命令行参数"-n"。 如果达到此值,代理会拒绝接受

      Disables the use of the "epoll" event polling system on Linux. It is
      equivalent to the command-line argument "-de". The next polling system
      used will generally be "poll". See also "nosepoll", and "nopoll".
      在Linux上禁止使用epoll。等于命令行"-de"参数。 下一个会用到的polling系统为

      Disables the use of the "kqueue" event polling system on BSD. It is
      equivalent to the command-line argument "-dk". The next polling system
      used will generally be "poll". See also "nopoll".
      在BSD上禁止kqueue polling系统。等于命令行"-dk"参数. 下一个会使用的是poll.

      Disables the use of the "poll" event polling system. It is equivalent to the
      command-line argument "-dp". The next polling system used will be "select".
      It should never be needed to disable "poll" since it's available on all
      platforms supported by HAProxy. See also "nosepoll", and "nopoll" and

      Disables the use of the "speculative epoll" event polling system on Linux. It
      is equivalent to the command-line argument "-ds". The next polling system
      used will generally be "epoll". See also "nosepoll", and "nopoll".
      在Linux上禁止使用speculative epoll系统。等于"-ds". 下一个使用的是epoll.
      查看"nospell", "nopoll".

    spread-checks <0..50, in percent>
      Sometimes it is desirable to avoid sending health checks to servers at exact
      intervals, for instance when many logical servers are located on the same
      physical server. With the help of this parameter, it becomes possible to add
      some randomness in the check interval between 0 and +/- 50%. A value between
      2 and 5 seems to show good results. The default value remains at 0.

    tune.maxaccept <number>
      Sets the maximum number of consecutive accepts that a process may perform on
      a single wake up. High values give higher priority to high connection rates,
      while lower values give higher priority to already established connections.
      This value is unlimited by default in single process mode. However, in
      multi-process mode (nbproc > 1), it defaults to 8 so that when one process
      wakes up, it does not take all incoming connections for itself and leaves a
      part of them to other processes. Setting this value to zero or less disables
      the limitation. It should normally not be needed to tweak this value.

    tune.maxpollevents <number>
      Sets the maximum amount of events that can be processed at once in a call to
      the polling system. The default value is adapted to the operating system. It
      has been noticed that reducing it below 200 tends to slightly decrease
      latency at the expense of network bandwidth, and increasing it above 200
      tends to trade latency for slightly increased bandwidth.

    1.3) 调试

      模式)。等效于命令行参数-d. 此参数绝不要用于生产环境,因为它会在系统启动时被挂起.


    2) 代理(Proxies)

    Proxy configuration can be located in a set of sections :
     - defaults <name>
     - frontend <name>
     - backend  <name>
     - listen   <name>

    A "defaults" section sets default parameters for all other sections following
    its declaration. Those default parameters are reset by the next "defaults"
    section. See below for the list of parameters which can be set in a "defaults"
    section. The name is optional but its use is encouraged for better readability.
    "defaults"段为其后的所有其他配置段设置默认参数。 "defaults"段可以有多个,后设置的总
    是会覆盖之前的配置。 查看下面的列表可以知道"defaults"段可以使用哪些配置参数。"defaults"

    A "frontend" section describes a set of listening sockets accepting client

    A "backend" section describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect
    to forward incoming connections.

    A "listen" section defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend
    parts combined in one section. It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic.

    All proxy names must be formed from upper and lower case letters, digits,
    '-' (dash), '_' (underscore) , '.' (dot) and ':' (colon). ACL names are
    case-sensitive, which means that "www" and "WWW" are two different proxies.

    Historically, all proxy names could overlap, it just caused troubles in the
    logs. Since the introduction of content switching, it is mandatory that two
    proxies with overlapping capabilities (frontend/backend) have different names.
    However, it is still permitted that a frontend and a backend share the same
    name, as this configuration seems to be commonly encountered.
    由于历史原因,所有的代理名字是可以重叠的,这种仅仅会导致日志有些问题。 后来内容交换
    (Content Switching)的加入使得两个有重复功能的代理(frontend/backend)必须使用不
    同的名字。 然而, 仍然允许frontend和backend使用同一个名字,因为这种配置会经常遇到。

    Right now, two major proxy modes are supported : "tcp", also known as layer 4,
    and "http", also known as layer 7. In layer 4 mode, HAProxy simply forwards
    bidirectionnal traffic between two sides. In layer 7 mode, HAProxy analyzes the
    protocol, and can interact with it by allowing, blocking, switching, adding,
    modifying, or removing arbitrary contents in requests or responses, based on
    arbitrary criteria.
    当前,HAProxy支持两种主要的代理模式: "tcp"也即4层,和"http",即7层。在4层模式下,

    2.1) Quick reminder about HTTP

    When a proxy is running in HTTP mode, both the request and the response are
    fully analyzed and indexed, thus it becomes possible to build matching criteria
    on almost anything found in the contents.

    However, it is important to understand how HTTP requests and responses are
    formed, and how HAProxy decomposes them. It will then become easier to write
    correct rules and to debug existing configurations.

    2.1.1) The HTTP transaction model

    The HTTP protocol is transaction-driven. This means that each request will lead
    to one and only one response. Traditionnally, a TCP connection is established
    from the client to the server, a request is sent by the client on the
    connection, the server responds and the connection is closed. A new request
    will involve a new connection :

      [CON1] [REQ1] ... [RESP1] [CLO1] [CON2] [REQ2] ... [RESP2] [CLO2] ...

    In this mode, called the "HTTP close" mode, there are as many connection
    establishments as there are HTTP transactions. Since the connection is closed
    by the server after the response, the client does not need to know the content

    Due to the transactional nature of the protocol, it was possible to improve it
    to avoid closing a connection between two subsequent transactions. In this mode
    however, it is mandatory that the server indicates the content length for each
    response so that the client does not wait indefinitely. For this, a special
    header is used: "Content-length". This mode is called the "keep-alive" mode :

      [CON] [REQ1] ... [RESP1] [REQ2] ... [RESP2] [CLO] ...

    Its advantages are a reduced latency between transactions, and less processing
    power required on the server side. It is generally better than the close mode,
    but not always because the clients often limit their concurrent connections to
    a smaller value. HAProxy currently does not support the HTTP keep-alive mode,
    but knows how to transform it to the close mode.

    A last improvement in the communications is the pipelining mode. It still uses
    keep-alive, but the client does not wait for the first response to send the
    second request. This is useful for fetching large number of images composing a
    page :

      [CON] [REQ1] [REQ2] ... [RESP1] [RESP2] [CLO] ...

    This can obviously have a tremendous benefit on performance because the network
    latency is eliminated between subsequent requests. Many HTTP agents do not
    correctly support pipelining since there is no way to associate a response with
    the corresponding request in HTTP. For this reason, it is mandatory for the
    server to reply in the exact same order as the requests were received.

    Right now, HAProxy only supports the first mode (HTTP close) if it needs to
    process the request. This means that for each request, there will be one TCP
    connection. If keep-alive or pipelining are required, HAProxy will still
    support them, but will only see the first request and the first response of
    each transaction. While this is generally problematic with regards to logs,
    content switching or filtering, it most often causes no problem for persistence
    with cookie insertion.

    2.1.2) HTTP request

    First, let's consider this HTTP request :

      Line     Contents
         1     GET /serv/login.php?lang=en&profile=2 HTTP/1.1
         2     Host: www.mydomain.com
         3     User-agent: my small browser
         4     Accept: image/jpeg, image/gif
         5     Accept: image/png The Request line

    Line 1 is the "request line". It is always composed of 3 fields :

      - a METHOD      : GET
      - a URI         : /serv/login.php?lang=en&profile=2
      - a version tag : HTTP/1.1

    All of them are delimited by what the standard calls LWS (linear white spaces),
    which are commonly spaces, but can also be tabs or line feeds/carriage returns
    followed by spaces/tabs. The method itself cannot contain any colon (':') and
    is limited to alphabetic letters. All those various combinations make it
    desirable that HAProxy performs the splitting itself rather than leaving it to
    the user to write a complex or inaccurate regular expression.

    The URI itself can have several forms :

      - A "relative URI" :


        It is a complete URL without the host part. This is generally what is
        received by servers, reverse proxies and transparent proxies.

      - An "absolute URI", also called a "URL" :

        It is composed of a "scheme" (the protocol name followed by '://'), a host
        name or address, optionally a colon (':') followed by a port number, then
        a relative URI beginning at the first slash ('/') after the address part.
        This is generally what proxies receive, but a server supporting HTTP/1.1
        must accept this form too.

      - a star ('*') : this form is only accepted in association with the OPTIONS
        method and is not relayable. It is used to inquiry a next hop's
      - an address:port combination :
        This is used with the CONNECT method, which is used to establish TCP
        tunnels through HTTP proxies, generally for HTTPS, but sometimes for
        other protocols too.

    In a relative URI, two sub-parts are identified. The part before the question
    mark is called the "path". It is typically the relative path to static objects
    on the server. The part after the question mark is called the "query string".
    It is mostly used with GET requests sent to dynamic scripts and is very
    specific to the language, framework or application in use. The request headers

    The headers start at the second line. They are composed of a name at the
    beginning of the line, immediately followed by a colon (':'). Traditionally,
    an LWS is added after the colon but that's not required. Then come the values.
    Multiple identical headers may be folded into one single line, delimiting the
    values with commas, provided that their order is respected. This is commonly
    encountered in the "Cookie:" field. A header may span over multiple lines if
    the subsequent lines begin with an LWS. In the example in 2.1.2, lines 4 and 5
    define a total of 3 values for the "Accept:" header.

    Contrary to a common mis-conception, header names are not case-sensitive, and
    their values are not either if they refer to other header names (such as the
    "Connection:" header).

    The end of the headers is indicated by the first empty line. People often say
    that it's a double line feed, which is not exact, even if a double line feed
    is one valid form of empty line.

    Fortunately, HAProxy takes care of all these complex combinations when indexing
    headers, checking values and counting them, so there is no reason to worry
    about the way they could be written, but it is important not to accuse an
    application of being buggy if it does unusual, valid things.

    Important note:
       As suggested by RFC2616, HAProxy normalizes headers by replacing line breaks
       in the middle of headers by LWS in order to join multi-line headers. This
       is necessary for proper analysis and helps less capable HTTP parsers to work
       correctly and not to be fooled by such complex constructs.

    2.1.3) HTTP response

    An HTTP response looks very much like an HTTP request. Both are called HTTP
    messages. Let's consider this HTTP response :

      Line     Contents
         1     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         2     Content-length: 350
         3     Content-Type: text/html The Response line

    Line 1 is the "response line". It is always composed of 3 fields :

      - a version tag : HTTP/1.1
      - a status code : 200
      - a reason      : OK

    The status code is always 3-digit. The first digit indicates a general status :
     - 2xx = OK, content is following   (eg: 200, 206)
     - 3xx = OK, no content following   (eg: 302, 304)
     - 4xx = error caused by the client (eg: 401, 403, 404)
     - 5xx = error caused by the server (eg: 500, 502, 503)

    Please refer to RFC2616 for the detailed meaning of all such codes. The
    "reason" field is just a hint, but is not parsed by clients. Anything can be
    found there, but it's a common practice to respect the well-established
    messages. It can be composed of one or multiple words, such as "OK", "Found",
    or "Authentication Required". The response headers

    Response headers work exactly like request headers, and as such, HAProxy uses
    the same parsing function for both. Please refer to paragraph for more

    2.2) 代理关键字矩阵

    The following list of keywords is supported. Most of them may only be used in a
    limited set of section types. Some of them are marked as "deprecated" because
    they are inherited from an old syntax which may be confusing or functionally
    limited, and there are new recommended keywords to replace them. Keywords
    listed with [no] can be optionally inverted using the "no" prefix, ex. "no
    option contstats". This makes sense when the option has been enabled by default
    and must be disabled for a specific instance.
    下面是HAProxy目前支持的关键字列表。 大部分只能用于部分配置段。 有一些标注了"deprecate"
    关键字使用。有[no]标注的关键字表明用no作为前缀可以作为此关键字的相反设置,比如"no option
    contstats". 比如说一个配置默认是启用的,但是在后面的某个具体的实例中需要关闭,这就非常有用了。

    keyword                 defaults   frontend   listen    backend
    acl                         -          X         X         X  
    appsession                  -          -         X         X  
    backlog                     X          X         X         -
    balance                     X          -         X         X  
    bind                        -          X         X         -  
    block                       -          X         X         X
    capture cookie              -          X         X         -
    capture request header      -          X         X         -
    capture response header     -          X         X         -
    clitimeout                  X          X         X         -  (deprecated)
    contimeout                  X          -         X         X  (deprecated)
    cookie                      X          -         X         X
    default_backend             -          X         X         -
    disabled                    X          X         X         X
    dispatch                    -          -         X         X
    enabled                     X          X         X         X
    errorfile                   X          X         X         X
    errorloc                    X          X         X         X
    errorloc302                 X          X         X         X
    errorloc303                 X          X         X         X
    fullconn                    X          -         X         X
    grace                       -          X         X         X
    http-check disable-on-404   X          -         X         X
    log                         X          X         X         X
    maxconn                     X          X         X         -
    mode                        X          X         X         X
    monitor fail                -          X         X         -
    monitor-net                 X          X         X         -
    monitor-uri                 X          X         X         -
    [no] option abortonclose    X          -         X         X
    [no] option allbackups      X          -         X         X
    [no] option checkcache      X          -         X         X
    [no] option clitcpka        X          X         X         -
    [no] option contstats       X          X         X         -
    [no] option dontlognull     X          X         X         -
    [no] option forceclose      X          -         X         X
    option forwardfor           X          X         X         X
    [no] option http_proxy      X          X         X         X
    option httpchk              X          -         X         X
    [no] option httpclose       X          X         X         X
    option httplog              X          X         X         X
    [no] option logasap         X          X         X         -
    [no] option nolinger        X          X         X         X
    [no] option persist         X          -         X         X
    [no] option redispatch      X          -         X         X
    option smtpchk              X          -         X         X
    [no] option srvtcpka        X          -         X         X
    option ssl-hello-chk        X          -         X         X
    option tcpka                X          X         X         X
    option tcplog               X          X         X         X
    [no] option tcpsplice       X          X         X         X
    [no] option transparent     X          X         X         -
    redisp                      X          -         X         X  (deprecated)
    redispatch                  X          -         X         X  (deprecated)
    reqadd                      -          X         X         X
    reqallow                    -          X         X         X
    reqdel                      -          X         X         X
    reqdeny                     -          X         X         X
    reqiallow                   -          X         X         X
    reqidel                     -          X         X         X
    reqideny                    -          X         X         X
    reqipass                    -          X         X         X
    reqirep                     -          X         X         X
    reqisetbe                   -          X         X         X
    reqitarpit                  -          X         X         X
    reqpass                     -          X         X         X
    reqrep                      -          X         X         X
    reqsetbe                    -          X         X         X
    reqtarpit                   -          X         X         X
    retries                     X          -         X         X
    rspadd                      -          X         X         X
    rspdel                      -          X         X         X
    rspdeny                     -          X         X         X
    rspidel                     -          X         X         X
    rspideny                    -          X         X         X
    rspirep                     -          X         X         X
    rsprep                      -          X         X         X
    server                      -          -         X         X
    source                      X          -         X         X
    srvtimeout                  X          -         X         X  (deprecated)
    stats auth                  X          -         X         X
    stats enable                X          -         X         X
    stats realm                 X          -         X         X
    stats refresh               X          -         X         X
    stats scope                 X          -         X         X
    stats uri                   X          -         X         X
    stats hide-version          X          -         X         X
    timeout check               X          -         X         X
    timeout client              X          X         X         -
    timeout clitimeout          X          X         X         -  (deprecated)
    timeout connect             X          -         X         X
    timeout contimeout          X          -         X         X  (deprecated)
    timeout http-request        X          X         X         -
    timeout queue               X          -         X         X
    timeout server              X          -         X         X
    timeout srvtimeout          X          -         X         X  (deprecated)
    timeout tarpit              X          X         X         X
    transparent                 X          X         X         -  (deprecated)
    use_backend                 -          X         X         -
    keyword                 defaults   frontend   listen    backend

    2.2.1) 关键字索引(按字母顺序排序)

    This section provides a description of each keyword and its usage.

    acl <aclname> <criterion> [flags] [operator] <value> ...
      Declare or complete an access list.
      可用于配置段:                defaults | frontend | listen | backend
                                      no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
            acl invalid_src  src
            acl invalid_src  src_port     0:1023
            acl local_dst    hdr(host) -i localhost
    2.5) HTTP头操作

    也可以防止信息从内部网泄露出去。但是这样做却有一个限制: 因为HAproxy的HTTP引擎不支持
    keep-alive, 在一个TCP会话中仅仅第一个请求中发送的头信息能被HAProxy看到,所有后续头


      - reqadd     <string>
      - reqallow   <search>
      - reqiallow  <search>
      - reqdel     <search>
      - reqidel    <search>
      - reqdeny    <search>
      - reqideny   <search>
      - reqpass    <search>
      - reqipass   <search>
      - reqrep     <search> <replace>
      - reqirep    <search> <replace>
      - reqtarpit  <search>
      - reqitarpit <search>
      - rspadd     <string>
      - rspdel     <search>
      - rspidel    <search>
      - rspdeny    <search>
      - rspideny   <search>
      - rsprep     <search> <replace>
      - rspirep    <search> <replace>


      \t   tab
      \r   回车(CR)
      \n  换行(LF)
      \    空格(而不是域分隔符)
      \#   输出'#'而不当做是注释
      \\   在正则中使用\
      \\\\ 在文本中使用\(*2 for regex, *2 for haproxy)
      \xXX 就像C语言里一样输出XX的十六进制ASCII码。

    The <replace> parameter contains the string to be used to replace the largest
    portion of text matching the regex. It can make use of the special characters
    above, and can reference a substring which is delimited by parenthesis in the
    regex, by writing a backslash ('\') immediately followed by one digit from 0 to
    9 indicating the group position (0 designating the entire line). This practice
    is very common to users of the "sed" program.

    The <string> parameter represents the string which will systematically be added
    after the last header line. It can also use special character sequences above.

    Notes related to these keywords :
      - these keywords are not always convenient to allow/deny based on header
        contents. It is strongly recommended to use ACLs with the "block" keyword
        instead, resulting in far more flexible and manageable rules.

      - lines are always considered as a whole. It is not possible to reference
        a header name only or a value only. This is important because of the way
        headers are written (notably the number of spaces after the colon).

      - the first line is always considered as a header, which makes it possible to
        rewrite or filter HTTP requests URIs or response codes, but in turn makes
        it harder to distinguish between headers and request line. The regex prefix
        ^[^\ \t]*[\ \t] matches any HTTP method followed by a space, and the prefix
        ^[^ \t:]*: matches any header name followed by a colon.

      - for performances reasons, the number of characters added to a request or to
        a response is limited at build time to values between 1 and 4 kB. This
        should normally be far more than enough for most usages. If it is too short
        on occasional usages, it is possible to gain some space by removing some
        useless headers before adding new ones.

      - keywords beginning with "reqi" and "rspi" are the same as their couterpart
        without the 'i' letter except that they ignore case when matching patterns.

      - when a request passes through a frontend then a backend, all req* rules
        from the frontend will be evaluated, then all req* rules from the backend
        will be evaluated. The reverse path is applied to responses.

      - req* statements are applied after "block" statements, so that "block" is
        always the first one, but before "use_backend" in order to permit rewriting
        before switching.

    2.6) 日志


    2.7) CSV格式

      0. pxname: 代理名
      1. svname: service name (FRONTEND 指前端, BACKEND指后端,其他名字指服务器)
      2. qcur: 当前的请求队列
      3. qmax: 最大请求队列
      4. scur: 当前会话(session)
      5. smax: 最大会话(session)
      6. slim: 会话限制
      7. stot: 总会话
      8. bin: bytes in
      9. bout: bytes out
     10. dreq: 拒绝的请求
     11. dresp: 拒绝的回应(responses)
     12. ereq: 请求错误
     13. econ: 连接错误
     14. eresp: 回应错误
     15. wretr: 重试次数(warnings)
     16. wredis: redispatches (warning)
     17. status: 状态s (UP/DOWN/...)
     18. weight: 服务器权重(server), 总权重(backend)
     19. act: 服务器为主(active)(server), 主服务器个数(backend)
     20. bck: 服务器为备(backup) (server),被服务器个数(backend)
     21. chkfail: 失败的检查次数
     22. chkdown: 从UP->DOWN 切换的次数
     23. lastchg: 最后状态改变时间(seconds)
     24. downtime: 总的宕机时间(秒)
     25. qlimit: 队列限制
     26. pid: 进程id (0 第一个实例, 1 为第二个, ...)
     27. iid: 唯一代理id
     28. sid: service id (unique inside a proxy)
     29. throttle: warm up status
     30. lbtot: 服务器被选择的总次数
     31. tracked: id of proxy/server if tracking is enabled
     32. type (0=frontend, 1=backend, 2=server)

    2.8) Unix套接字命令(Unix Socket commands)

     - "show stat [<iid> <type> <sid>]": 以csv格式导出状态信息。通过传入id,type和sid可以
         - iid为proxy id, -1导出所有
         - type 选择可导出对象类型: 1 为 frontend, 2 指 backend, 4 指
           server, -1 为所有. 这些指可以是OR(bit运算),如:
              1+2=3   -> frontend+backend.
              1+2+4=7 -> frontend+backend+server.
         - sid 为service id, -1 从选定的proxy导出所有service.

     - "show info": 导出当前haproxy的状态信息。

