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  • JTS(Geometry) 简单例子
    时间:2014-08-04   作者:佚名   出处:互联网



    (1)、JTS Geometry model
    (2)、ISO Geometry model (Geometry Plugin and JTS Wrapper Plugin)
    GeoTools has two implementations of these interfaces:
    Geometry Plugin a port of JTS 1.7 to the ISO Geometry interfaces

    JTS Wrapper Plugin an implementation that delegates all the work to JTS


    系(linearref包)、计算交点(noding包)、几何图形操作(operation包)、平面图(planargraph包)、多边形化(polygnize包)、精度(precision)、工具(util包)重点理解JTS Geometry model

    (1) JTS提供了如下的空间数据类型

         LinearRing  封闭的线条
         MultiLineString    多条线

         GeometryCollection  包括点,线,面

    (2) 支持接口




       一个具体的类,包含一个最大和最小的x 值和y 值。




    package com.mapbar.geo.jts;

    import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTSFactoryFinder;

    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPoint;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.ParseException;
    import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.WKTReader;


     * Class GeometryDemo.java

     * Description Geometry 几何实体的创建,读取操作

     * Company mapbar

     * author Chenll E-mail: Chenll@mapbar.com

     * Version 1.0

     * Date 2012-2-17 上午11:08:50

    public class GeometryDemo {

        private GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory( null );
         * create a point
         * @return
        public Point createPoint(){
            Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(109.013388, 32.715519);
            Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint( coord );
            return point;
         * create a point by WKT
         * @return
         * @throws ParseException
        public Point createPointByWKT() throws ParseException{
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory );
            Point point = (Point) reader.read("POINT (109.013388 32.715519)");
            return point;
         * create multiPoint by wkt
         * @return
        public MultiPoint createMulPointByWKT()throws ParseException{
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory );
            MultiPoint mpoint = (MultiPoint) reader.read("MULTIPOINT(109.013388 32.715519,119.32488 31.435678)");
            return mpoint;
         * create a line
         * @return
        public LineString createLine(){
            Coordinate[] coords  = new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(2, 2), new Coordinate(2, 2)};
            LineString line = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords);
            return line;
         * create a line by WKT
         * @return
         * @throws ParseException
        public LineString createLineByWKT() throws ParseException{
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory );
            LineString line = (LineString) reader.read("LINESTRING(0 0, 2 0)");
            return line;
         * create multiLine
         * @return
        public MultiLineString createMLine(){
            Coordinate[] coords1  = new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(2, 2), new Coordinate(2, 2)};
            LineString line1 = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords1);
            Coordinate[] coords2  = new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(2, 2), new Coordinate(2, 2)};
            LineString line2 = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords2);
            LineString[] lineStrings = new LineString[2];
            lineStrings[0]= line1;
            lineStrings[1] = line2;
            MultiLineString ms = geometryFactory.createMultiLineString(lineStrings);
            return ms;
         * create multiLine by WKT
         * @return
         * @throws ParseException
        public MultiLineString createMLineByWKT()throws ParseException{
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory );
            MultiLineString line = (MultiLineString) reader.read("MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 0),(1 1,2 2))");
            return line;
         * create a polygon(多边形) by WKT
         * @return
         * @throws ParseException
        public Polygon createPolygonByWKT() throws ParseException{
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory );
            Polygon polygon = (Polygon) reader.read("POLYGON((20 10, 30 0, 40 10, 30 20, 20 10))");
            return polygon;
         * create multi polygon by wkt
         * @return
         * @throws ParseException
        public MultiPolygon createMulPolygonByWKT() throws ParseException{
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory );
            MultiPolygon mpolygon = (MultiPolygon) reader.read("MULTIPOLYGON(((40 10, 30 0, 40 10, 30 20, 40 10),(30 10, 30 0, 40 10, 30 20, 30 10)))");
            return mpolygon;
         * create GeometryCollection  contain point or multiPoint or line or multiLine or polygon or multiPolygon
         * @return
         * @throws ParseException
        public GeometryCollection createGeoCollect() throws ParseException{
            LineString line = createLine();
            Polygon poly =  createPolygonByWKT();
            Geometry g1 = geometryFactory.createGeometry(line);
            Geometry g2 = geometryFactory.createGeometry(poly);
            Geometry[] garray = new Geometry[]{g1,g2};
            GeometryCollection gc = geometryFactory.createGeometryCollection(garray);
            return gc;
         * create a Circle  创建一个圆,圆心(x,y) 半径RADIUS
         * @param x
         * @param y
         * @param RADIUS
         * @return
        public Polygon createCircle(double x, double y, final double RADIUS){
            final int SIDES = 32;//圆上面的点个数
            Coordinate coords[] = new Coordinate[SIDES+1];
            for( int i = 0; i < SIDES; i++){
                double angle = ((double) i / (double) SIDES) * Math.PI * 2.0;
                double dx = Math.cos( angle ) * RADIUS;
                double dy = Math.sin( angle ) * RADIUS;
                coords[i] = new Coordinate( (double) x + dx, (double) y + dy );
            coords[SIDES] = coords[0];
            LinearRing ring = geometryFactory.createLinearRing( coords );
            Polygon polygon = geometryFactory.createPolygon( ring, null );
            return polygon;
         * @param args
         * @throws ParseException
        public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
            GeometryDemo gt = new GeometryDemo();
            Polygon p = gt.createCircle(0, 1, 2);
            Coordinate coords[] = p.getCoordinates();
            for(Coordinate coord:coords){




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