9.8. Tektronics K12xx/15 RF5 协议表

Tektronix's K12xx/15 rf5文件格式使用helper files(*.stk)验证指定接口的各种协议。Wireshark不能读取stk文件,它使用一个表来识别底层协议。(这句没整明白)

Stk文件协议匹配通过第 9.6 节 “用户表表”来设置,它有两列:


a partial match for an stk filename, the first match wins, so if you have a specific case and a general one the specific one must appear first in the list


This is the name of the encapsulating protocol (the lowest layer in the packet data) it can be either just the name of the protocol (e.g. mtp2, eth_witoutfcs, sscf-nni ) or the name of the encapsulation protocol and the "application" protocol over it separated by a colon (e.g sscop:sscf-nni, sscop:alcap, sscop:nbap, ...)