(由 Joerg Hau 提供)
可以在下面找到你要的信息: Harald Hoyer's Linux Touch Panel Drivers for the Fujitsu Lifebooks B112/B142/B2130, http://parzelle.de/Linux/Lifebook/. 不幸的是, 它只针对XFree 3.x 并且没有更新 (dead?).
Kenan Esau's Lifebook Series B Touchscreen driver, which is the adaptation of Harald's driver to XFree 4.x. http://stlx01.stz-softwaretechnik.de/~ke/lifebook/lifebook.html.
我在Fujitsu LifeBook B142上 使用 Kenan's 的驱动程序( http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/joerg.hau/linux/b142.htm ), and it works like a charm.