加入IPv6 backbone骨干网路
IPv6 test backbone:
How to join 6bone
Also a list of major (prefix length 35) allocations per local registry is available here:
Ripe NCC / IPv6 allocations
更多的IPv6信息: ipv6-net.org
| |
| Focus Request e-mail address What to subscribe Maillist e-mail address Language Access through WWW |
| Linux kernel majordomo (at) oss.sgi.com netdev netdev (at) oss.sgi.com English http://oss.sgi.com/projects/netdev/archive/ |
| networking |
| including |
| IPv6 |
| Linux and majordomo (at) linux-ipv6 linux-ipv6 (at) list.f00f.org English |
| list.f00f.org |
| IPv6 in (moderated) |
| general (1) |
| Mobile IP majordomo (at) mipl (at) list.mipl. English http://www.mipl.mediapoli.com/mailinglist.html |
| (v6) for list.mipl.mediapoli.com mipl mediapoli.com http://www.mipl.mediapoli.com/mail-archive/ |
| Linux |
| |
|Linux IPv6 usagi-users-ctl usagi-users English http://www.mipl.mediapoli.com/mailinglist.html |
|users using (at) linux-ipv6.org (at) linux-ipv6.org http://www.mipl.mediapoli.com/mail-archive/ |
|extension |
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|IPv6 on Debian debian-ipv6 (at) English http://lists.debian.org/debian-ipv6/ |
|Linux Web-based, see URL lists.debian.org |
|Web-based |
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|IPv6/6bone in majordomo (at) ipv6 (at) German/English http://www.join.uni-muenster.de/JOIN/ipv6/texte-englisch/mailingliste.html |
| Germany atlan.uni-muenster.de ipv6 uni-muenster.de http://www.join.uni-muenster.de/local/majordomo/ipv6/ |
| |
| |
| 6bone majordomo (at) 6bone 6bone (at) English http://www.6bone.net/6bone_email.html |
| isi.edu isi.edu http://ryouko.dgim.crc.ca/ipv6/ |
| http://www.wcug.wwu.edu/lists/6bone/ |
| |
| |
|IPv6 majordomo (at) ipng ipng (at) English http://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng/html/instructions.html |
|discussions sunroof.eng.sun.com sunroof.eng.sun.com ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng/mail-archive/ |
| http://www.wcug.wwu.edu/lists/ipng/ |
| |
| IPv6 users majordomo (at) users users (at) ipv6.org English http://www.ipv6.org/mailing-lists.html |
| in general ipv6.org |
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| Bugtracking of bugtraq-subscribe (at) bugtraq (at) English http://online.securityfocus.com/popups/forums/bugtraq/intro.shtml |
| Internet securityfocus.com securityfocus.com (moderated) http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1 |
| applications (2) |
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| |
| IPv6 in general Web-based, see URL ipv6 (at) ipng.nl English http://mailman.ipng.nl/mailman/listinfo/ipv6/ |
| http://mailman.ipng.nl/pipermail/ipv6/ |
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| majordomo (at) majordomo (at) ipv6 ipv6 (at) mfa.eti.br Portuguese http://www.mfa.eti.br/listas.html |
| mfa.eti.br mfa.eti.br |
| |
(1) recommended for common Linux & IPv6 issues.
(2) very recommended if you provide server applications.
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这里还有另一份清单: http://www.join.uni-muenster.de/JOIN/ipv6/texte-englisch/ipv6.infoquellen.html