有许多服务使用 tcp_wrapper library 控制访问.Below is described the use of tcp_wrapper
关于IPv6-enabled netcat的详细信息请参照: IPv6?status-apps/security-auditing
# nc6 ::1 daytime
13 JUL 2002 11:22:22 CEST
全世界最为优秀的扫瞄程序之一.它的首页: http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ 从 3.10ALPHA1 的版本开始支持IPv6. 例子:
# nmap -6 -sT ::1
Starting nmap V. 3.10ALPHA3 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
Interesting ports on localhost6 (::1):
(The 1600 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
22/tcp open ssh
53/tcp open domain
515/tcp open printer
2401/tcp open cvspserver
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.525 seconds
Strobe 同 NMap相比更不具灵活性,但已经有 IPv6-enabling patch (see IPv6?status-apps/security-auditing for more). Usage example:
# ./strobe ::1 strobe 1.05 (c) 1995-1999 Julian Assange <proff@iq.org>.
::1 2401 unassigned unknown
::1 22 ssh Secure Shell - RSA encrypted rsh
::1 515 printer spooler (lpd)
::1 6010 unassigned unknown
::1 53 domain Domain Name Server
如果审核结果同您的IPv6安全策略有出入, 请堵上检测出的漏洞.