现在有很多人使用 Linux 来烧录光碟是因为它比较稳定和容易。没有蓝色画面和没有找出软硬件组合的困难。只要你一旦正确设定好之后就能使用。这份 CD-Writing HOWTO解释了怎样设定,怎样将资料放上光碟上以及介绍一些有趣的程序。
Copyright Winfried Tr per 1996,1997,1998,1999. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
The author disclaims all warranties with regard to this document, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a certain purpose; in no event shall the author be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use of this document.
Short: read and use at your own risk.
这网址 CD-R FAQ 里有一般的 FAQ 关于空白光碟,光碟烧录器和烧录光碟所需的软 件。
要令你的光碟能够读取光碟,你起码要看 Linux CD-ROM HOWTO Linux SCSI HOWTO 和 Linux Kernel HOWTO.
CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc Read Only Memory, a storage medium utilizing an optical laser to sense microscopic pits on a silver shimmering disk. The silver shimmering comes from an aluminized layer which is the carrier. The pits represent the bits of the information (in some way) and are so petite that some billions of them fit on the disc. Thus a CD is a mass-storage medium.
The term CD-R is a short form of CD-ROM recordable and refers to a CD that doesn't have those "microscopic pits" on it's surface. Thus it's empty. Instead of the silver aluminium layer a CD-R has a special film (colored) into which "microscopic pits" can be burned in. This is done by giving the laser which normally only senses the pits a little bit more power so he burns the pits. This action can only be taken once on a CD-R, although you can leave out some areas for later writing, creating a so called multi-session CD.
The CD-ROM rewritable (short: CD-RW) was developed to come around the limitation of CD-R media. Here the laser can not even burn pits into the media, but it can also melt the media back into it's original state. This is possible, because the laser does not really burn holes into the media - you do not see a puff of smoke while burning and no voice from above tells you "target destroyed". What the laser really does is to trigger a phase change, thus the name "phase change devices" for CD-RW-writers. An example for a very similar technique used in daily life is the cleaning car in an ice-hockey stadion: during the pauses of the game, the car drives over the ice and fills the scratches in the ice (-> bits containing some sort of information about the game... hehehe) with melted splinter.
This HOWTO deals with the task of writing CD-Rs and CD-RWs. Welcome on board, captain.
你可以在这里得到一个详尽可用及不可用在各 unix 作业系统的型号列表 http://www.guug.de:8080/cgi-bin/winni/lsc.pl.
以下是一个能够在 cdrecord 下使用的型号撮写列表:
Acer: CDRW 6206A
Compro: CW-7502, CW-7502B
Dysan: CRW-1622
Elite: Elite b444.41
Grundig: CDR 100 IPW
Guillemot: Maxi CD-R 4X/8X
HP: SureStore 4020i, SureStore 6020i,
C4324, C4325
CD-Writer+ 7100, CD-Writer+ 7200i,
CD-Writer+ 8100i, CD-Writer+ 8110i,
Hi-Val: CDD-3610
JVC: XR-W2001, XR-W2010, XR-W2042, R-2626
Kodak: PCD 200, PCD 225, PCD 260, PCD 600
Matsushita: CW-7502
Memorex: CRW-620, CRW-1622
Microboards: PlayWrite 2000, PlayWrite 4000RW, PlayWrite 4001RW
MicroNet: MasterCD Plus 4x4, MasterCD Plus 4x6
Mitsubishi: CDRW-226
Mitsumi: CR-2401-TS, CR-2600 TE, CR-2801 TE, CR-4801 TE
Nomai: 680.RW
Olympus: CDS 615E, CDS 620E
Optima: DisKovery 650 CD-R
Panasonic: CW-7502, CW-7582
Philips: CDD-521/10, CDD-522
CDD-2000, CDD-2600, CDD-3600, CDD-3610
Omniwriter 26, Omniwriter 26A
Plasmon: CDR 480, CDR 4220, RF-4100, RF-4102, CDR 4400
Plextor: CDR PX-24 CS, PX-412 C, PX-R412 C
PX-R810Ti, PleXwriter 412C
Procom: PCDR 4
Ricoh: RO-1420C+, MP 1420C, MP 6200S, MP 6201S
Sanyo: CRD-R24S
Smart and
Friendly: CD-RW226, CD-R1002, CD-R1002/PRO, CD-R1004,
CD-R2004, CD-R2006 PLUS, CD-R2006 PRO,
CD-R4000, CD-R4006, CD-R4012
Sony: CDU 920S, CDU 924, CDU 926S, CDU-928E,
CDU 948S, CDRX 100E
Taiyo Yuden: EW-50
Traxdata: CRW 2260, CDR 4120, CDRW 4260,
Turtle Beach: 2040R
WPI (Wearnes): CDRW-622, CDR-632P
YAMAHA: CDR-100, CDR 102, CDR-200, CDR-200t, CDR-200tx
CDR-400, CDR-400c, CDR-400t, CDR-400tx, CDR-400Atx
CRW-2260, CRW-2260t,
CRW-4250tx, CRW-4260 t, CRW-4260 tx, CRW-4261,
CRW-4416 S
Table 1: CD-writers supported under Linux
如果你的硬件不被支持的话,你仍然可以用 Linux 来建立光碟影像档不过你需要用 DOS 的软件来将这个光碟影像档烧录至 CD-R ·
现在有两类的工具用作烧录 CD-Rs :硬件驱动程序和资料格式化。硬件驱动程序支持以下的功能:
Supported Feature cdwrite-2.1 cdrecord-1.6
IDE/ATAPI no yes
Parallel Port no yes
CD-RW no yes
Multisession only partial yes
Table 2:
是一个旧的软件,在这里提出只不过是为了完整而已。请使用 cdrecord
来代替,因为它能支持较多的光碟烧录器和它有较多的功能。资料格式化的目的是要组织光碟上的资料 ( 放一个文档系统在光碟上 )
Feature mkisofs mkhybrid
ISO 9660 yes yes
RockRidge yes yes
El Torito yes yes
HFS no yes
Joliet no yes
Table 3:
ISO 9660 文档系统和 Extended-2 文档系统的最大分别在于,一旦你将资料写入光碟内就不能作修改。ISO 9660 文档系统的限制有以下几个:
RockRidge 是一个能令 ISO-9660 文档系统支持长档名及较深层目录结构的延伸。当你在 DOS 或 Windows 底下读取光碟时这些延伸都是不可用的。
El Torito 是一个能够烧录开机光碟的延伸。你的个人电脑 基本输入/输出系统也必须支持这个特性。粗略地说,光碟唯读记 忆体开始的 1.44 Mbyte 含有由你供给的软磁片磁盘影像。基本输 入/输出系统会把这个影像当作软磁片般启动它。
HFS 能让 macintosh 读取光碟内的资料,如果光碟内的资料 是 HFS 文档系统的话·( 这是 MacOS 的原生文档系统 )。
Joliet 把长档名带到 Windows 的新版本中 (95, 98, NT)·据作 者所知,暂时没有一种工具能够令 DOS 及 Windows 3.11 支持长档 名。
部分 2.8 把提到的软件都一一列出。
如果你想参加开发团队 (有一个主动 帮助 他们的心), 电邮至
cdwrite-request@other.debian.org 和在电邮内容写上 subscribe
这份文件的最新版本可经常在这里获得 http://www.guug.de/~winni/linux/.