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Debian 參考手冊
第 9 章 - Debian 系統調整

這一章節主要是說明如何在指令介面下設定系統組態。 Debian 系統安裝提示, 第 3 章.

如果您關心系統安全性,請閱讀 Securing Debian Manual 來建構系統的安全性,該文件也可以安裝 harden-doc 套件取得。

9.1 初始化系統的提示

Debian 使用 System V 的 init 系統與流程,先閱讀 init 程式, 第 2.4.1 節 了解大概內容。

9.1.1 自定 init 命令稿

最簡單控管 init script 的方法是設定在/etc/default下的檔案中的系統環境變數。 [40] 舉例來說,/etc/default/hotplug就能控制/etc/init.d/hotplug的行為。可以自行編輯 motd,sulogin 等服務命令稿並放置在 /etc/init.d/rcS 讓系統開機時即可啟動。

9.1.2 設定系統登入日誌( system logging )

系統日誌是由 syslogd 這支程式控制,編輯 /etc/syslog.conf 設定日誌輸出型態。 透過 colorize 這個套件可以讓日誌檔更容易辨識。 查看 syslogd(8)syslog.conf(5) 可以得到更多的訊息。

9.1.3 硬體最佳化(Optimizing hardware)

Debian 保留了部份硬體最佳化的設定,系統管理者可以在安裝之後進行設定。

掛載檔案系統時加上 noatime 這個參數能提昇檔案讀寫的效率。 閱讀 fstab(5) 以及 mount(8)

部份的硬體裝置可以藉由 Linux Kernel 設定 proc 檔案系統來直接設定及最佳化。 閱讀 透過 proc 檔案系統調整核心, 第 7.3 節

Debian 納入了許多設定硬體特性的軟體。大部分的軟體都是針對筆記型電腦設計。底下是 Debian 中比較有趣的軟體:

ACPI 是一個全新的架構是且比 APM 要來的新且完整。

部份的套件需要特定的 Kernel 模組且已經納入最新的 Kernel Source 之中。如果硬體依然不支援,只好自行抓取修正檔並重新編譯 Kernel。

9.2 存取限制 ( Restricting access )

9.2.1 利用 PAM 來控制登入程序

PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) 允許管理者控管使用者登入的方式。

     /etc/pam.d/*             # PAM 控制檔案的位置
     /etc/pam.d/login         # PAM 控制登入的設定檔
     /etc/security/*          # PAM 模組參數的設定檔
     /etc/securetty           # 限制 root 從 console 模式下登入的設定檔
     /etc/login.defs          # 登入系統之後的環境變數設定檔

如果想允許空白密碼的使用者登入系統,可以編輯 /etc/pam.d/login 並加入以下的訊息,此動作的風險很大,請管理者斟酌。

     #auth       required   pam_unix.so nullok
     auth       required   pam_permit.so

xdm, gdm...等軟體透過這樣的步驟也能允許空白密碼的使用者登入。

另一方面,使用 cracklib2 可以加強密碼安全機制,設定 /etc/pam.d/passwd 並加入以下的敘述。

     password required       pam_cracklib.so retry=3 minlen=6 difok=3

使用 passwd 並加入 -e 這個參數會強迫使用者在下一次登入時必須修改密碼。 閱讀 passwd(1) 以取得更多的資訊。

在 Bash shell 的環境中,可以執行 ulimit -u 1000 來設定執行程序的最大值,或者直接編輯 /etc/security/limits.conf。 在該檔案中可以找到類似 core 的參數,試著編輯它即可。 PATH 的設定可以藉由 /etc/login.defs 的內容來初始化。

PAM 的文件被包裝在 libpam-doc 之中。在這個套件包裝的文件有:Linux-PAM System Administrator's Guide,涵蓋了如何設定 PAM 以及相關模組的說明。The Linux-PAM Application Developers' Guide 以及 The Linux-PAM Module Writers' Guide

9.2.2 "為何 GNU su 不支援 wheel 群組"

這是 Richard M. Stallman 的慣用語,可以在舊式的 info su 頁面底下找到。請不要擔心,目前 Debian 中的 su 程式是使用 PAM的,所以編輯 /etc/pam.d/su 並加入 pam_wheel.so 的敘述就可以限定那些使用者可以執行 su。底下以 Debian 中的 adm 群組當作範例;如何實現 BSD 中的 wheel 群組直接執行 su 且不需輸入密碼就能切換成 root。

     # anti-RMS configuration in /etc/pam.d/su
     auth       required   pam_wheel.so group=adm
     # Wheel members to be able to su without a password
     auth       sufficient pam_wheel.so trust group=adm

9.2.3 Purposes of standard groups


想要了解更多的資料,請閱讀 Securing Debian Manual 的 "FAQ"。Debian Woody 可以安裝 harden-doc 套件取得該文件。base-passwd (>3.4.6) 更納入了權限的列表。

9.2.4 更安全的工作環境 – sudo

對我而言,sudo 絕大部分是防止我做出愚笨的行為,使用 sudo 會是比直接切換成 root 更好的辦法。

安裝 sudo 之後,編輯好 /etc/sudoers 就能啟動。順便檢查 /usr/share/doc/sudo/OPTIONS 中的 sudo 群組參數。

這個例子是說明 "staff" 群組透過 sudo 的設定之後便能以 root 身份執行任何程式;同樣地,"src" 群組透過 sudo 設定之後便能以 root 身份執行部份程式。

使用 sudo 的好處在於一般 user 只要輸入自己的密碼就能登入並被系統監視。 且能提供部份權限給予新上手的管理者練習。舉例來說:

     $ sudo chown -R myself:mygrp .

如果你擁有 root 密碼,那麼你能以 root 權限來執行任何命令:

     $ su -c "shutdown -h now"

(我知道我應該要加強管理者帳號的 sudo 權限。但這是我自家使用的伺服器,所以不用去煩惱這個問題。)

安裝 super 這個套件能夠讓一般使用者以 root 權限執行特定指令。

9.2.5 服務的存取限制

super-server, inetd, 在開機時被 /etc/rc2.d/S20inetd (for RUNLEVEL=2)呼叫並啟動,而這個檔案是 /etc/init.d/inetd 的一個 soft link。基本上,inetd 能啟動和控制其他的服務,減低系統負載度。

當一個服務對 inetd 送出需求時,它的通訊協定與服務可以從 /etc/protocols 以及 /etc/services 中找到,然後 inetd 便會搜尋 /etc/inetd.conf 找到適合的網際網路服務來對應,如果是 Sun-RPC 類型的服務,便會搜尋 /etc/rpc.conf 這一個設定檔。

由於系統安全上的考量,請取消 /etc/inetd.conf 中不必要或是不使用的服務。Sun-RPC 服務需要啟動 NFS 以及其他 RPC 為主的程式。

有些時候,inetd 並不會直接啟動,而是透過 tcpd 這個 TCP/IP 服務控制程式並以 /etc/inetd.conf 中已定義的伺服器服務名稱來啟動。這個情況下,tcpd 在登入以及請求時必須使用 /etc/hosts.deny 以及 /etc/hosts.allow 進行附加的檢查,然後在執行相對應的服務程序。

如果您在新版的 Debian 上無法進行遠端登入,請將 /etc/hosts.deny 中的 "ALL: PARANOID" 給註解掉。

想要得知更多的資訊,請閱讀 inetd(8), inetd.conf(5), protocols(5), services(5), tcpd(8), hosts_access(5), 以及 hosts_options(5).

有關 Sun-RPC 更多的訊息,請參閱 rpcinfo(8), portmap(8), 以及 /usr/share/doc/portmap/portmapper.txt.gz.

9.2.6 集中式的認證功能 – LDAP

請使用 Use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)。 請參考:

9.3 燒錄器

ATAPI/IDE 介面的燒錄器是越來越流行了。對於系統備份或是文件容量 < 640MB 的家用戶來說可是不錯的選擇。閱讀 LDP CD-Writing-HOWTO 能夠得到更進階的資訊喔。

9.3.1 簡介

首先,對於光碟片來說,燒錄器將資料寫入光碟片之後,已經無法回覆光碟上的資料。如果預算不是問題,建議直接購買 SCSI 介面的燒錄器來取代 ATAPI/IDE 介面的。如果要連接 IDE 裝置,請使用 PCI 匯流排(例如,在主機板上)而不要使用 ISA 匯流排( SB16 音效卡就是使用它)

如果您的燒錄器是 IDE 介面且 Kernel 為 2.2 或是 2.4 時,則需要 IDE-SCSI 來驅動燒錄功能。所以必須使用 SCSI 泛型驅動程式。底下有兩種方法可以達成上述功能,假設使用的是較新版本的 Kernel(如 2001 年三月的版本)。

Kernel 2.6 能使用原本的 IDE 驅動程式來取代 IDE-SCSI 並直接使用 /dev/hdx 來存取 CD-RW 裝置。搭配 DMA 會更好。

9.3.2 方法一:modules + lilo

如果您使用的是 Debian 所包裝的 kernel-image,請在 /etc/lilo.conf 中加入以下的字串。如果有多個選項請用空白分開:

     append="hdx=ide-scsi ignore=hdx"

燒錄器的裝置代號標示法為 hdx,其中的 x 代表以下的任一種硬體裝置:

     hda          for a master on the first IDE port
     hdb          for a slave on the first IDE port
     hdc          for a master on the second IDE port
     hdd          for a slave on the second IDE port
     hde ... hdh  for a drive on an external IDE port or ATA66/100 IDE port

完成上述設定之後,以 root 權限執行以下的命令:

     # lilo
     # shutdown -h now

9.3.3 方法二:recompile the kernel

Debian 使用 make-kpkg 來產生 kernel image。執行 make-kpkg 並加入 --append_to_version 的參數能夠建立多種 kernel images。請參閱 Debian下的Linux核心, 第 7 章

執行 make menuconfig 加入底下的 kernel 參數與設定:

9.3.4 設定步驟


     # echo ide-scsi >>/etc/modules
     # echo sg       >>/etc/modules
     # cd /dev; ln -sf scd0 cdrom


     # modprobe ide-scsi
     # modprobe sg


     $ dmesg|less
     # apt-get install cdrecord
     # cdrecord -scanbus

[Per Warren Dodge] 如果系統同時存在 CD-ROM 以及 CD-R/RW 的話,有時會造成 ide-scsiide-cd 的衝突。試著增加底下的設定到 /etc/modutils/aliases 並執行 update-modules 和重新開機:

     pre-install      ide-scsi      modprobe ide-cd

這會使得 IDE 驅動程式比 ide-scsi 更早載入到核心。ide-cd 管理所有的 ATAPI CD-ROM—被指明忽略的裝置除外。剩下的裝置才由 ide-scsi 來控制。

9.3.5 光碟映像檔 (可開機)

如何產生一個 target-directory/ 下所有資料的光碟映像檔:cd-image.raw (可開機, Joliet TRANS.TBL-enabled format; 如果不需要光碟開機,拿掉 -b-c 參數)?先將一片開機磁片放入軟碟機中並執行

     # dd if=/dev/fd0 target-directory/boot.img 
     # mkisofs -r -V volume_id -b boot.img -c bootcatalog -J -T \
             -o cd-image.raw target_directory/

另一個方法是產生一個開機 DOS 映像檔。假設一個開機片映像檔放在 boot.img 之下,則當軟碟開機時,CD-ROM 也會被驅動。您可以藉由 freeDOS 來達成這些動作。

光碟映像檔可以當成 loop 裝置來掛載。

     # mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop cd-image.raw /cdrom
     # cd /cdrom
     # mc
     # umount /cdrom

9.3.6 寫錄到燒錄機上(R, RW):

先測試看看 (假設燒錄速度為兩倍)

     # nice --10 cdrecord -dummy speed=2 dev=0,0 disk.img

如果無誤,則燒錄到 CD-R 只需執行以下指令

     # nice --10 cdrecord -v -eject speed=2 dev=0,0 disk.img

或是燒錄到 CD-RW 的片子上

     # nice --10 cdrecord -v -eject blank=fast speed=2 dev=0,0 disk.img

對於某些 CD-RW 來說,陸續的指令會好

     # nice --10 cdrecord -v blank=all speed=2 dev=0,0 disk.img


     # nice --10 cdrecord -v -eject speed=2 dev=0,0 disk.img

為了預防清除 CD-RW 光碟片時出現 SCSI timeouts,則以上兩個步驟是必須的。而 nice 的值需要特別注意。

9.3.7 產生一個光碟映像檔

有些版權光碟具有防拷的保護使得在使用 dd 時無法正確拷貝 ( Windows 98 便是其中之一 )。 您可以試用 readcd 這個指令來拷貝,readcd 包含在 cdrecord 套件之中。利用該軟體來複製光碟大綱以產生映像檔。如果是資料光碟,請先掛載它,並執行 df 來查詢光碟大小。將得到的 blocks (1 block = 1024 bytes) 數目除以 2 來取得 sector 數目 (1 sector = 2048)。 執行 readcd 並加入以下參數來建立映像檔並燒錄到 CD-R/RW。

     # readcd dev=target,lun,scsibusno # select function 11

大部分來說,只要將以上三個參數皆設為 0 就可以了。通常 readcd 所檢查出來的 sectors 數目都會過多!所以改用掛載時所產生的 block,sector 數目會比較好。

dd 對於光碟複製上可能會有些小問題。第一次執行 dd 時可能會產生錯誤訊息且映像檔會失去最末端的資料。第二次執行 dd 時如果沒指定大小,可能會產生過大的映像檔,當然,這些過多的資料都是無用的。目前解決的辦法是在執行第二次 dd 時指定正確的大小,第一次有錯誤時也不要退出光碟。假設由 df 查出來的大小為 46301184 blocks,則執行以下指令兩次來取得正確的映像檔大小。(以我的經驗來說)

     # dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.img bs=2048 count=$((46301184/2))

9.3.8 Debian 光碟映像檔

您可以在 Debian CD site 取得最新的 Debian 光碟訊息。


如果您的網路不夠快,則可以考慮從 CD vendor 來購買 Debian 光碟。

除非您是映像檔測試者,否者請不要浪費頻寬來下載光碟映像檔(即使是使用 jigdo)。

另一個值得注意的光碟映像檔為 KNOPPIX - Live Linux Filesystem On CD。 您可以在光碟開機之後馬上擁有 Debian 系統而不需安裝到硬碟內。

9.3.9 備份您的資料到 CD-R

如何備份重要的資料到 CD-R 呢?您可以採用備份 script "backup"。也請留意 拷貝及建立子目錄, 第 8.3 節 以及 差異備份與資料同步, 第 8.4 節

9.3.10 拷貝音樂光碟


     # apt-get install cdrecord cdparanoia
     # cdparanoia -s -B
     # cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=2 -v -dao -eject defpregap=1 -audio *.wav


     # apt-get install cdrdao #disk at once
     # cdrdao read-cd --device /dev/cdrom --paranoia-mode 3 my_cd # read cd
     # cdrdao write --device /dev/cdrom --speed 8 my_cd    # write a new CD

cdrdao 能夠完整複製光碟(沒有音軌空隙,等...)。

9.3.11 燒錄 DVD-R,DVD-RW 和 DVD+RW

燒錄 DVD 光碟有兩種方式:

9.4 X

X Window 系統是由 Xfree86 所提供的。 在 Debian 上有兩個主要版本的 X 伺服器: XFree86 版本 3.3(XF3) 以及 XFree86 版本 4.x(XF4);兩者皆是以 X11R6 為基礎並由 X.Org 所建構。

了解 X 的基本概念,您可以閱讀 X(7), LDP XWindow-User-HOWTO, 以及 Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO。 您可以閱讀 xfree86-common 套件中的 /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz,這是專對於 Debian 的設計的使用者指南。其中 Branden Robinson 有一些有趣並且有權威的對 key binding 的討論。

X 伺服器, 第 9.4.3 節
此軟體將本地端主機的 X window 視窗或桌面顯示到使用者的螢幕(CRT, LCD) 並接受鍵盤與滑鼠的輸入。
X clients, 第 9.4.4 節
與 X 相容的應用軟體,可以在本地端或是遠地端的主機執行。

這些正好與一般的 "server" 和 "client" 的觀念相反。

有幾種方法可以讓 "X server" (顯示端) 接受遠端連線的 "X client" (程式端):

以上所有遠地端連接 X 的方式,除了 ssh 之外,都需要設定 X server 啟動 TCP/IP 連線,請閱讀 Using X over TCP/IP, 第 9.4.6 節

9.4.1 X 套件

目前在 woody 上已經有許多 meta 套件能降低您安裝 X 系統的難度。

此 metapackage 提供最基本工作站使用的 X Window 系統。它提供了 X 函式,X 伺服器 (xserver-xfree86),以及一些字型和基本的 X clients 與工具。
此 metapackage 提供大部分的 XFree86 計畫的 X Window System 元件,以及一套許多有名的附屬應用程式。(包含了x-window-system-coretwmxdm等組件,故安裝了它就不用再安裝x-window-system-core了)
XFree86 3.x X 伺服器(X3)相關的軟體和工具。
X3伺服器器軟體的額外套件,包含了支援對那些新的 X4 伺服器(xserver-xfree86)不支援的硬體。如X4不支援某些老舊的ATI mach64卡,某些顯示卡在Woody版的X4中無法工作等等。(要獲得可用的套件,可執行 apt-cache search xserver-|less。所有這些X3伺服器均是基於xserver-common-v3的。)

大多數情況下,應該安裝x-window-system(如果要使用終端模式登入,需停用xdm,詳細方法參閱 「我不想直接啟動到 X!」, 第 8.1.4 節。)

9.4.2 X 的硬體偵測

在安裝系統之前只要先安裝以下軟體就能在配置 X 時偵測週邊硬體:

9.4.3 X 伺服器

請參閱 XFree86(1x) 了解更多 X 伺服器的資訊。

從本地的終端機開啟 X 伺服器的方式:

     $ startx -- :<display> vtXX
     $ startx -- :1 vt8 -bpp 16
     ... start on vt8 connected to localhost:1 with 16 bpp mode

--後面接的是 X 伺服器的參數。

注意,在使用~/.xserverrc script 來自訂 X 伺服器啟動時所開啟的軟體時,請確定 執行 的是真正的 X 伺服器。如果沒這麼做會導致 X 伺服器啟動過慢以及退出。例如:

     exec /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp 設定 X 伺服器 (Version 4)

(重新)設定 XF4 伺服器,

     # dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low xserver-common
     # dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low xserver-xfree86

將會產生 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 文件並使用 dexconf script 來設定 X。 設定 X 伺服器 (Version 3)

(重新)設定 XF3 伺服器,

     # dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low xserver-common-v3
     # dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low xserver-mach64

將會產生 /etc/X11/XF86Config 文件並使用 xf86config-3 script 來設定 X。 手動設定 X 伺服器

在 Woody 系統上,修改/etc/X11/XF86Config-4時,請不要修改以下文字間的設定


正確的作法是 將自訂的內容加在定義段落之前。例如,新增顯示卡,可在設定檔開頭增加類似下面的內容:

     Section "Device"
       Identifier        "Custom Device"
       Driver            "ati"
       Option            "NoAccel"
     Section "Screen"
       Identifier  "Custom Screen"
       Device      "Custom Device"
       Monitor     "Generic Monitor"
       DefaultDepth 24
       Subsection "Display"
         Depth       8
         Modes       "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
       Subsection "Display"
         Depth       16
         Modes       "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
       Subsection "Display"
         Depth       24
         Modes       "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
     Section "ServerLayout"
         Identifier        "Custom"
         Screen            "Custom Screen"
         InputDevice       "Generic Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard"
         InputDevice       "Configured Mouse" "CorePointer"

在 Sarge (本文撰寫時為testing )系統上,如果您想再升級時保留使用者自訂/etc/X11/XF86Config的設定,請用 root 執行下列命令:

     # cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.custom
     # md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum
     # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

如果想美化字體,請依照 TrueType fonts in X, 第 9.4.13 節 的說明來修改/etc/X11/XF86Config-4

並檢查其餘的 X 設定。不良的螢幕設定可能會造成更多比難看字型的問題,所以請調高您的螢幕更新頻率(85 Hz 不錯,75 Hz 還可以,60 Hz 就很糟了)。

9.4.4 X clients

絕大多數的 X client 軟體都能用類似下面的命令啟動:

     client $ xterm -geometry 80x24+30+200 -fn 6x10 -display hostname:0 &


預設的 X client 程式(應用端)的 displayname 可透過 DISPLAY 環境變數來設定。例如,在執行某 X client 軟體之前,執行下列命令之一就可以完成設定工作:

     $ export DISPLAY=:0 
             # 預設情況下,本地主機使用第一個 X screen
     $ export DISPLAY=hostname.fulldomain.name:0.2
     $ export DISPLAY=localhost:0

軟體啟動程序可以在 ~/.xinitrc 中自定。例如:

     xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources
     xsetroot -solid gray &
     xclock -g 50x50-0+0 -bw 0 &
     xload -g 50x50-50+0 -bw 0 &
     xterm -g 80x24+0+0 &
     xterm -g 80x24+0-0 &

自定 X sessions, 第 節所提到的,startx 不理會 Xsession 所有的常規操作。通常使用 ~/.xsession 僅做為最後的辦法。 請參閱xsetroot(1x)xset(1x)以及X resource, 第 9.4.10 節

9.4.5 X sessions

啟動 X session (X server + X client) 的方式如下:

請參閱 「我不想直接啟動到 X!」, 第 8.1.4 節 了解從終端機啟動 X 的資訊。 自定 X sessions

預設的啟動 script /etc/X11/Xsession/etc/X11/Xsession.d/50xfree86-common_determine-startup 以及/etc/X11/Xsession.d/99xfree86-common_start 的組合。


  1. ~/.xsession or ~/.Xsession,如果它被定義的話。
  2. /usr/bin/x-session-manager,如果它被定義的話。
  3. /usr/bin/x-window-manager,如果它被定義的話。
  4. /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator,如果它被定義的話。

Debian alternative 系統對這些命令有詳細的說明,請參閱 Alternative 指令, 第 6.5.3 節。 例如:

     # update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
     ... or
     # update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

如果想定義某 X 視窗管理程式為預設,同時保留已安裝的GNOME和KDE的session管理程式,可用http://bugs.debian.org/168347 中第二個錯誤報告所附的檔案替換/etc/X11/Xsession.d/50xfree86-common_determine-startup(我希望它能早日加到發行版中),然後按下面的方法編輯/etc/X11/Xsession.options取消Xsession管理程式:

     # /etc/X11/Xsession.options
     # configuration options for /etc/X11/Xsession
     # See Xsession.options(5) for an explanation of the available options.
     # Default enabled
     # Default disabled (enable them by uncommenting)

如果不想按照上述的方法修改系統,則gnome-session 以及 kdebase 所附的 X session 管理程式就變成預設的了。移除掉他們的話,X 視窗管理程式就變成預設的視窗管理程式。(廢話,還有更好的主意嗎?)

對於那些 /etc/X11/Xsession.options 只包含一行 allow-user-xsession 的系統而言,任何定義了~/.xsession~/.Xsession的使用者均可以自行定義/etc/X11/Xsession的行為。

~/.xsession 檔案中的最後一行命令,其格式應該為exec some-window/session-manager,用來啟動您喜歡的 X 視窗/session 管理程式。

/usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/examples/xsession.gz 提供了一個相當不錯的/usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/examples/xsession.gz 範例。

我使用它來設定每一個使用者的視窗管理員,screen 存取以及語言支援。請參閱針對使用者啟動 X Session, 第 節Getting root in X, 第 9.4.12 節Example for a multilingual X window system, 第 9.7.9 節

如果您希望某些 X client 軟體可以自動啟動,請參閱X clients, 第 9.4.4 節 的範例並寫到~/.xsession來取代~/.xinitrc

使用者新增的 X 資源(resources)可以儲存在~/.Xresources,請參閱X resource, 第 9.4.10 節

使用者自訂的鍵盤與滑鼠按鍵配置檔是存放在~/.xmodmaprc。請參閱 Keymaps and pointer button mappings in X, 第 9.4.11 節 針對使用者啟動 X Session

依照 自定 X sessions, 第 節 這一節所描述的,要啟動使用者自訂的 X session/window manager 可透過安裝相對應的軟體並在 ~/.xsession 的最後加入以下內容 (我偏好 blackbox/fluxbox 因為簡潔快速。):

參閱 Window Managers for X. 配置 KDE/GNOME

要建立完整的 KDE/GNOME 桌面環境,下列的綜合套件是很有用的:

使用能夠額外安裝 Recommends 的套件管理程式,如 dselect and aptitude,將會提供比 apt-get 更豐富的軟體供您選擇。

如果想從 console 登入,請確定先取消 X display managers,例如 kdmgdm以及wdm,這會影響「我不想直接啟動到 X!」, 第 8.1.4 節 這一節中所提及的關聯性問題。

如果您想使用 GNOME 取代 KDE 來當視窗管理程式的話,請參閱 Alternative 指令, 第 6.5.3 節 的方法來設定 x-session-manager

9.4.6 Using X over TCP/IP

Because a remote TCP/IP socket connection without encryption is prone to an eavesdropping attack, the default setting for X in recent Debian versions disables the TCP/IP socket. Consider using ssh for a remote X connection (see Connecting to a remote X server – ssh, 第 9.4.8 節).

The method described here is not encouraged unless one is in a very secure environment behind a good firewall system with only trusted users present. Use the following command to verify your current X server setting for the TCP/IP socket:

     # find /etc/X11 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep nolisten
     /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc:exec /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp

Remove -nolisten to restore TCP/IP listening on the X server.

9.4.7 Connecting to a remote X server – xhost

xhost allows access based on hostnames. This is very insecure. The following will disable host checking and allow connections from anywhere if a TCP/IP socket connection is allowed (see Using X over TCP/IP, 第 9.4.6 節):

     $ xhost +

You can re-enable host checking with:

     $ xhost -

xhost does not distinguish between different users on the remote host. Also, hostnames (addresses actually) can be spoofed.

This method must be avoided even with more restrictive host criteria if you're on an untrusted network (for instance with dial-up PPP access to the Internet). 參閱 xhost(1x).

9.4.8 Connecting to a remote X server – ssh

The use of ssh enables a secure connection from a local X server to a remote application server.

This method allows the display of the remote X client output as if it were locally connected through a local UNIX domain socket.

9.4.9 The X terminal emulator – xterm

Learn everything about xterm at http://dickey.his.com/xterm/xterm.faq.html.

9.4.10 X resource

Many older X programs, such as xterm, use the X resource database to configure their appearance. The file ~/.Xresources is used to store user resource specifications. This file is automatically merged into the default X resources upon login. The system-wide defaults of X resources are stored in /etc/X11/Xresources/* and application defaults of them are stored in /etc/X11/app-defaults/*. Use these settings as the starting points.

Here are some helpful settings to add to your ~/.Xresources file:

     ! Set the font to a more readable 9x15
     XTerm*font: 9x15
     ! Display a scrollbar
     XTerm*scrollBar: true
     ! Set the size of the buffer to 1000 lines
     XTerm*saveLines: 1000
     ! Large kterm screen
     KTerm*VT100*fontList: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--24-*,\

To make these settings take effect immediately, merge them into the database using the command:

     xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

See xrdb(1x).

9.4.11 Keymaps and pointer button mappings in X

The xmodmap program is used to edit and display the keyboard modifier map and keymap table that are used by client applications to convert event keycodes into keysyms in X.

     $ xmodmap -pm 
      ... display the current modifier map
     $ xmodmap -pk | pager
      ... display the current keymap table
     $ xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1" # set mouse for the left hand.
     $ xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc # set keyboad as in ~/.xmodmaprc

It is usually run from the user's session startup script, ~/.xsession.

To get the keycode, run xev in X and press keys. To get the meaning of keysym, look into the MACRO definition in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h file. All the #define statements in this file are named as XK_ prepended to the keysym names.

See xmodmap(1x).

9.4.12 Getting root in X

If a GUI program needs to be run with root privilege, use the following procedures to display program output on a user's X server. Never attempt to start an X server directly from the root account in order to avoid possible security risks.

Start the X server as a normal user and open an xterm console. Then:

     $ XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority
     $ export XAUTHORITY
     $ su root
     # printtool &

When using this trick to su to a non-root user, make sure ~/.Xauthority is group readable by this non-root user.

To automate this command sequence, create a file ~/.xsession from the user's account, containing the following lines:

     # This makes X work when I su to the root account.
     if [ -z "$XAUTHORITY" ]; then
             export XAUTHORITY
     unset XSTARTUP
     # If a particular window/session manager is desired, uncomment
     # the following and edit it to fit your needs.
     # This starts x-window/session-manager program
     if [ -z "$XSTARTUP" ]; then
       if [ -x /usr/bin/x-session-manager ]; then
       elif [ -x /usr/bin/x-window-manager ]; then
       elif [ -x /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator ]; then
     # execute auto selected X window/session manager
     exec $XSTARTUP

Then run su (not su -) in an xterm window of the user. Now GUI programs started from this xterm can display output on this user's X window while running with root privilege. This trick works as long as the default /etc/X11/Xsession is executed. If a user set up his customization using ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession, the above mentioned environment variable XAUTHORITY needs to be set similarly in those scripts.

Alternatively, sudo can be used to automate the command sequence:

     $ sudo xterm
     ... or
     $ sudo -H -s

Here /root/.bashrc should contain:

     if [ $SUDO_USER ]; then
         sudo -H -u $SUDO_USER xauth extract - $DISPLAY | xauth merge -

This works fine even with the home directory of the user on an NFS mount, because root does not read the .Xauthority file.

There are also several specialized packages for this purpose: kdesu, gksu, gksudo, gnome-sudo, and xsu. Some other methods can be used to achieve similar results: creating a symlink from /root/.Xauthority to the user's corresponding one; use of the script sux; or putting "xauth merge ~USER_RUNNING_X/.Xauthority" in the root initialization script.

See more on the debian-devel mailing list.

9.4.13 TrueType fonts in X

The standard xfs in XFree86-4 works fine with TrueType fonts. You have to install a third-party font server such as xfs-xtt, if you are using XFree86-3.

You just need to make sure that whatever applications you want to use the TrueType fonts are linked against libXft or libfreetype (you probably don't even have to worry about this if you're using pre-compiled .debs).

First set up font support infrastructure:

Then install DFSG font packages:

Since Free fonts are sometimes limited, installing or sharing some commercial TrueType fonts is an option for a Debian users. In order to make this process easy for the user, some convenience packages have been created:

You'll have a really good selection of TrueType fonts at the expense of contaminating your Free system with non-Free fonts.

All these font packages in Debian should work without any efforts and appear available to all X programs that use the regular "core" font system. This includes things like Xterm, Emacs, and most other non-KDE and non-GNOME applications.

Now, run xfontsel and select any TrueType fonts in the fndry menu, you should be able to see many ungrayed out entries in the "fmly" menu.

For KDE2.2 and GNOME1.4 (with libgdkxft0, which is a hack to get GTK 1.2 to do anti-aliased font rendering), you need to setup Xft1, as well. Xft1 is highly deprecated, and is basically only used by GNOME1.4 and KDE2.2. Edit /etc/X11/XftConfig and add a line like

         dir "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"

before the other dir lines. [43]

For GNOME2 and KDE3 (post Sarge release), you need to setup fontconfig which Xft2 uses to find fonts. [44] You shouldn't need to install anything extra for this because every package using fontconfig Depends on it (indirectly) already.

First, look in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf. There should be a line like the one below. If not, open up /etc/fonts/local.conf and add this


just after the <fontconfig> line.

Fontconfig should pick these up immediately, and "fc-list" should list your new fonts. Another neat feature of fontconfig is that you can just drop fonts in ~/.fonts/ and all your fontconfigified programs will have access to them immediately.

If you manually install a new set of TrueType fonts while in X without using Debian package, run

     # xset fp rehash

to get XFree86 to look at the contents of that directory again and to pickup new ones.

9.4.14 Web Browser in X

There are a few web browser packages with graphical display capabilities as of the Woody release:

The version of mozilla must match the version that galeon requires. Although they differ in UI, these two programs share the Gecko HTML rendering engine.

Plug-ins for browsers such as mozilla and galeon can be enabled by installing "*.so" manually in the plug-in directory and restarting the browsers.

Plug-in resources:

9.5 SSH

SSH (Secure SHell) is the secure way to connect over the Internet. A free version of SSH called OpenSSH is available as the ssh package in Debian.

9.5.1 Basics of SSH

First install the OpenSSH server and client.

     # apt-get update && apt-get install ssh

The non-US entry in the /etc/apt/source.list is required. /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run must not be present if one wishes to run the OpenSSH server.

SSH has two authentication protocols:

Be careful about these differences if you are migrating to Woody or using a non-Debian system.

參閱 /usr/share/doc/ssh/README.Debian.gz, ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh-agent(1), and ssh-keygen(1) for details.

Following are the key configuration files:

The following will start an ssh connection from a client.

     $ ssh username@hostname.domain.ext
     $ ssh -1 username@hostname.domain.ext # Force SSH version 1
     $ ssh -1 -o RSAAuthentication=no -l username foo.host
         # force password on SSH1
     $ ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -l username foo.host
         # force password on SSH2

For the user, ssh functions as a smarter and more secure telnet (will not bomb with ^]).

9.5.2 Port forwarding for SMTP/POP3 tunneling

To establish a pipe to connect to port 25 of remote-server from port 4025 of localhost, and to port 110 of remote-server from port 4110 of localhost through ssh, execute on the local machine:

     # ssh -q -L 4025:remote-server:25 4110:remote-server:110 \

This is a secure way to make connections to SMTP/POP3 servers over the Internet. Set the AllowTcpForwarding entry to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config of the remote host.

9.5.3 Connecting with fewer passwords – RSA

One can avoid having to remember a password for each remote system by using RSAAuthentication (SSH1 protocol) or PubkeyAuthentication (SSH2 protocol).

On the remote system, set the respective entries, "RSAAuthentication yes" or "PubkeyAuthentication yes", in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Then generate authentication keys locally and install the public key on the remote system:

     $ ssh-keygen          # RSAAuthentication: RSA1 key for SSH1
     $ cat .ssh/identity.pub | ssh user1@remote \
             "cat - >>.ssh/authorized_keys"
     $ ssh-keygen -t rsa   # PubkeyAuthentication: RSA key for SSH2
     $ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user1@remote \
             "cat - >>.ssh/authorized_keys"
     $ ssh-keygen -t dsa   # PubkeyAuthentication: DSA key for SSH2
     $ cat .ssh/id_dsa.pub | ssh user1@remote \
             "cat - >>.ssh/authorized_keys"

One can change the passphrase later with "ssh-keygen -p". Make sure to verify settings by testing the connection. In case of any problem, use "ssh -v".

You can add options to the entries in authorized_keys to limit hosts and to run specific commands. 參閱 sshd(8) for details.

Note that SSH2 has HostbasedAuthentication. For this to work, you must adjust the settings of HostbasedAuthentication to yes in both /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server machine and /etc/ssh/ssh_config or $HOME/.ssh/config on the client machine.

9.5.4 Dealing with alien SSH clients

There are a few free SSH clients available for non-Unix-like platforms.

Windows (cygwin)
SSH in cygwin (GPL)
Macintosh Classic
macSSH (GPL) [Note that Mac OS X includes OpenSSH; use ssh in the Terminal application]

See also SourceForge.net, site documentation, "6. CVS Instructions".

9.5.5 Setting up ssh-agent

It is safer to protect your SSH authentication key with a passphrase. If it was not set, use ssh-keygen -p to set it.

Place your public key (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on a remote host using a password-based connection to the remote host as described in Connecting with fewer passwords – RSA, 第 9.5.3 節.

     $ ssh-agent bash # or run zsh/tcsh/pdksh program instead.
     $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
     Enter passphrase for /home/osamu/.ssh/id_rsa:
     Identity added: /home/osamu/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/osamu/.ssh/id_rsa)
     $ scp foo user@remote.host:foo
      ... no passphrase needed from here on :-)
      ... terminating ssh-agent session

For the X server, normal Debian startup scripts execute ssh-agent as parent process. So you only need to execute ssh-add once.

For more, read ssh-agent(1)and ssh-add(1).

9.5.6 Troubleshooting SSH

If you have problems, check the permissions of configuration files and run ssh with the "-v" option.

Use the "-P" option if you are root and have trouble with a firewall; this avoids the use of server ports 1–1023.

If ssh connections to a remote site suddenly stop working, it may be the result of tinkering by the sysadmin, most likely a change in host_key during system maintenance. After making sure this is the case and nobody is trying to fake the remote host by some clever hack, one can regain a connection by removing the host_key entry from $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts on the local machine.

9.6 Mail

Mail configuration divides into three categories:

9.6.1 Mail transport agents (MTAs)

For a full-featured MTA, use exim in Woody and use exim4 in Sarge. [45] References:

The only reasonable alternative MTA is postfix if you care about security. sendmail and qmail are available as Debian packages but are not recommended.

If you do not need the relay capability of an MTA as in the case of a satellite system such as a laptop PC, you may consider using one of these lightweight packages:

At this moment, I find exim to be more suitable even for my personal workstation machine, which is a laptop PC.

You may need to remove exim for the installation of these conflicting packages:

     # dpkg -P --force-depends exim
     # apt-get install nullmailer         # or ssmtp Smarthost

If you are running exim4 or exim on a host which is connected through the consumer grade services, please make sure to send outgoing mail through a smarthost offered by your ISP or some others. [46] There are few good reasons:

The only conceivable exceptions are: Basic configuration of Exim

In order to use exim4 or exim as your MTA, configure the following:

     /etc/exim/exim.conf     "eximconfig" to create and edit (exim)
     /etc/exim4/*            "dpkg-reconfigure exim4" to create and edit (exim4)
     /etc/inetd.conf         comment out smtp to run exim as daemon
     /etc/email-addresses    Add spoofed source address lists

check filters using exim4 or exim with -brw, -bf, -bF, -bV, ... etc. Setting up a catchall for nonexistent email addresses under Exim

In /etc/exim/exim.conf (Woody or later), in the DIRECTORS part, at the end (after the localuser: director) add a catch-all director that matches all addresses that the previous directors couldn't resolve (per Miquel van Smoorenburg):

       driver = smartuser
         new_address = webmaster@mydomain.com

If one wants to have more a detailed recipe for each virtual domain, etc., add the following at the end of /etc/exim/exim.conf (per me, not well tested):

     *@yourdomain.com ${lookup{$1}lsearch*{/etc/email-addresses} \
             {$value}fail} T

Then have an "*" entry in /etc/email-addresses. Configuring selective address rewriting for outgoing mail under Exim

Selective address rewrite for outgoing mail to produce proper "From:" headers can be done using exim by configuring near the end of /etc/exim/exim.conf:

     *@host1.something.dyndns.org \
       "${if eq {${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/passwd}{1}{0}}} {1}  \
        {$0}{$1@somethig.dyndns.org}}"  frFs

This rewrites all addresses matching *@host1.something.dyndns.org.

  1. It searches through /etc/password to see if the local part ($1) is a local user or not.
  1. If it is a local user, it rewrites the address to the same thing it was in the first place ($0).
  1. If it is not a local user, it rewrites the domain part. Configuring SMTP authentication under Exim

Some SMTP services such as yahoo.com require SMTP auth. Configure /etc/exim/exim.conf as follows:

       driver = smtp
       authenticate_hosts = smtp.mail.yahoo.com
       driver = domainlist
       transport = remote_smtp
       route_list = "* smtp.mail.yahoo.com bydns_a"
       driver = plaintext
       public_name = PLAIN
       client_send = "^cmatheson3^this_is_my_password"

Do not forget double quotes in the last line.

9.6.2 Fetching mail – Fetchmail

fetchmail is run in daemon mode to fetch mail from a POP3 account with an ISP into the local mail system. Configure:

     /etc/rc?.d/???fetchmail run update-rc.d fetchmail default priority 30
     /etc/fetchmailrc        configuration file (chown 600, owned by fetchmail)

Information on how to start fetchmail as a daemon from the init.d script for Potato is confusing (Woody fixed this). See the sample /etc/init.d/fetchmail and /etc/fetchmailrc files in the example scripts.

If your email headers are contaminated by ^M due to your ISP's mailer, add "stripcr" to your options in $HOME/.fetchmailrc:

     options fetchall no keep stripcr

9.6.3 Processing mail – Procmail

procmail is a local mail delivery and filter program. One needs to create $HOME/.procmailrc for each account that uses it. Example: _procmailrc

9.6.4 Processing spam with crm114

crm114 package provides /usr/share/crm114/mailfilter.crm script which is written in CRM114. This script provides a very effective spam filter which can be trained by feeding the spam and the ham.

CRM114 is a small language designed to write filters in; consider it to be a version of grep with super powers. See crm(1).

9.6.5 Reading mail – Mutt

Use mutt as the mail user agent (MUA) in combination with vim. Customize with ~/.muttrc; for example:

     # use visual mode and "gq" to reformat quotes
     set editor="vim -c 'set tw=72 et ft=mail'"
     # header weeding taken from the manual (Sven's Draconian header weeding)
     ignore *
     unignore from: date subject to cc
     unignore user-agent x-mailer
     hdr_order from subject to cc date user-agent x-mailer
     auto_view application/msword

Add the following to /etc/mailcap or $HOME/.mailcap to display HTML mail and MS Word attachments inline:

     text/html; lynx -force_html %s; needsterminal;
     application/msword; /usr/bin/antiword '%s'; copiousoutput;
     description="Microsoft Word Text"; nametemplate=%s.doc

9.7 Localization

Debian is internationalized, offering support for a growing number of languages and local usage conventions. The next subsection lists some of the forms of diversity that Debian currently supports, and the following subsections discuss localization, the process of customizing your working environment to allow current input and output of your chosen language(s) and conventions for dates, numeric and monetary formats, and other aspects of a system that differ according to your region.

9.7.1 Basics of localization

There are several aspects to customizing for localization and national language support. Localizing the keyboard

Debian is distributed with keymaps for nearly two dozen keyboards. In Woody, reconfigure the keyboard by: Localizing data files

The vast majority of Debian software packages support data handling of non-US-ASCII characters through the LC_CTYPE environment variable offered by the locale technology in glibc. Localizing the display

X can display any coding, including UTF-8, and supports all fonts. The list includes not only all the 8-bit fonts but also 16-bit fonts such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Multibyte character input method is supported by the Alternative X input methods, 第 9.7.10 節 mechanism. See Example for a multilingual X window system, 第 9.7.9 節 and UTF-8 support for the X terminal emulator, 第 9.7.12 節.

Japanese EUC code display is also available in a (S)VGA graphics console through the kon2 package. There is an alternative new Japanese display, jfbterm, which uses a frame-buffer console, too. In these console environments, the Japanese input method must be supplied by the application. Use egg package for Emacs and use japanized jvim package for a Vim environment.

Installation of non Unicode fonts to X will help in displaying documents with any encoding in X. So do not worry too much about encoding of fonts. Localizing messages and documentation

Translations exist for many of the text messages and documents that are displayed in the Debian system, such as error messages, standard program output, menus, and manual pages. Currently, support for manual pages in German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Russian is provided through the manpages-LANG packages (where LANG is a comma-separated list of two-letter ISO country codes. Use apt-cache search manpages-|less to get a list of available Unix manual pages.)

To access an NLS manual page, the user must set the environment variable LC_MESSAGES to the appropriate string. For example, in the case of the Italian-language manual pages, LC_MESSAGES needs to be set to it. The man program will then search for Italian manual pages under /usr/share/man/it/.

9.7.2 Locales

Debian supports locale technology. Locale is a mechanism that allows programs to provide suitable output and functionality according to local conventions such as character set, format for date and time, currency symbol, and so on. It uses environment variables to determine the appropriate behavior. For example, assuming you have both the American English and German locales installed on your system, the error messages of many programs can be multilingual:

     $ LANG="en_US" cat foo
     cat: foo: No such file or directory
     $ LANG="de_DE" cat foo
     cat: foo: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

Glibc offers support for this functionality to programs as a library. See locale(7).

9.7.3 Introduction to locales

Full locale description consists of 3 parts: xx_YY.ZZZZ.

For language codes and country codes, see pertinent description in the info gettext.

Please note this codeset part may be normalized internally to achieve cross platform compatibility by removing all - and by converting all characters into lower case. Typical codesets are:

As for the meaning of basic encoding system jargons:

ISO-8859-?, EUC, ISO-10646-1, UCS-2, UCS-4, and UTF-8 share the same code with ASCII for the 7 bit characters. EUC or Shift-JIS uses high-bit characters (0x80-0xff) to indicate that part of encoding is 16 bit. UTF-8 also uses high-bit characters (0x80-0xff) to indicate non 7 bit character sequence bytes and this is the most sane encoding system to handle non-ASCII characters.

Please note the byte order difference of Unicode implementation:

See 利用 recode 來轉換文字檔, 第 8.6.12 節 for conversion between various character sets. For more see Introduction to i18n.

9.7.4 Activating locale support

Debian does not come with all available locales pre-compiled. Check /usr/lib/locale to see which locales (besides the default "C") are compiled for your system. If the one you need is not present, you have two options:

9.7.5 Activating a particular locale

The following environment variables are evaluated in this order to provide particular locale values to programs:

  1. LANGUAGE: This environment variable consists of a colon-separated list of locale names in order of priority. Used only if the POSIX locale is set to a value other than "C" [in Woody; the Potato version always has priority over the POSIX locale]. (GNU extension)
  1. LC_ALL: If this is non-null, the value is used for all locale categories. (POSIX.1) Usually "" (null).
  1. LC_*: If this is non-null, the value is used for the corresponding category (POSIX.1). Usually "C".

    LC_* variables are:

  1. LANG: If this is non-null and LC_ALL is undefined, the value is used for all LC_* locale categories with undefined values. (POSIX.1) Usually "C".

Note that some applications (e.g., Netscape 4) ignore LC_* settings.

The locale program can display active locale settings and available locales; see locale(1). (NOTE: locale -a lists all the locales that your system knows about; this does not mean that all of them are compiled! See Activating locale support, 第 9.7.4 節.)

9.7.6 ISO 8601 date format locale

The locale support for the international date standard of yyyy-mm-dd (ISO 8601 date format) is provided by the locale called en_DK, "English in Denmark", which is a bit of joke :-) This seems to work only in a console screen for ls.

9.7.7 Example for the US (ISO-8859-1)

Add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile:

     export LC_CTYPE

9.7.8 Example for France with Euro sign (ISO-8859-15)

Add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile:

     export LANG
     export LC_CTYPE

Configure the keyboard for French "AZERTY" as described in Localizing the keyboard, 第 節; add French manual pages by installing manpages-fr. The Right-Alt key in the US is called Alt-Gr in Europe. Pressing this together with other keys creates numerous accented and special characters. For example, Alt-Gr+E creates a Euro sign.

Most western European languages can be configured similarly.

參閱 Debian Euro HOWTO for adding support for the new Euro currency and Utiliser et configurer Debian pour le français for more details in French.

9.7.9 Example for a multilingual X window system

Let us set up a multilingual X window system which simultaneously supports Japanese, English, German, and French with EUC, UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1 encodings in different consoles.

I will show you a customization using the Debian menu system. See the details of Debian menu system in /usr/share/doc/menu/html/index.html. I also create a shortcut to the mozilla web browser in this example. [47]

For other CJK language supports, see the following sections and SuSE pages for CJK.

9.7.10 Alternative X input methods

There are many alternative X input methods support packages available:

     Language   LC_CTYPE     XIM server XMODIFIERS              Start key
     Japanese   ja_JP*       kinput2    "@im=kinput2"           Shift-Space
     Korean     ko_KR*       ami        "@im=Ami"               Shift-Space
     Chinese(T) zh_TW.Big5   xcin       "@im=xcin-zh_TW.big5"   Ctrl-Space
     Chinese(S) zh_CN.GB2312 xcin       "@im=xcin-zh_CN.GB2312" Ctrl-Space

Japanese input method kinput2 is offered by the packages such as kinput2-canna-wnn, kinput2-canna, and kinput2-wnn. Japanese needs dictionary server such as canna and freewnn-jserver to be practical.

9.7.11 X terminal emulators

There are many X consoles which support simple 8 bit encodings when pertinent font packages are installed:

Multi-byte encoding supports of X console are provided by xterm through UTF-8 encoding (UTF-8 support for the X terminal emulator, 第 9.7.12 節). Other traditional encoding supports are in progress (as of 2003). Following packages offer traditional encoding supports:

For kterm (and possibly others), you may want to activate XIM through menu after Ctrl-middle-click mouse action.

9.7.12 UTF-8 support for the X terminal emulator

UTF-8 support for X terminal emulator is provided by the uxterm program in the xterm package for XFree86 4.x. It enables support for all languages. It is a wrapper around the xterm(1) program that invokes the latter program with the "UXTerm" X resource class set.

For example, to enable nice large display of English, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean characters, add following to your ~/.Xresources after installing all the pertinent fonts:

     ! set large font
     UXTerm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1
     ! Use XIM for Japanese
     *inputMethod: kinput2

Then run xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources to update X resources as described in X resource, 第 9.4.10 節.

Although most of the popular console program packages such as vim, mutt, and emacs have been made compatible with UTF-8 recently (Woody-Sarge). Program such as mc still is not UTF-8 compatible but simply 8-bit clean. If you are editing 7 bit ASCII part of unknown or mixed encoding file, it is safer to use the locale unaware 8-bit clean editor.

Everyone will need this in the future. 參閱 The Unicode HOWTO.

9.7.13 Example for UTF-8 in a framebuffer console

UTF-8 support on a FB console is provided by bterm used in the debian-installer.

9.7.14 Beyond locales

When you are first setting the system up for a national language environment, please consider using tasksel or aptitude to find out what packages are selected by choosing the corresponding language environment task. The package choice made is useful even for a multilingual setup. If you encounter any package dependency conflicts during the install to your carefully configured system, avoid installing any software that conflicts with the existing system. You may have to use update-alternative to regain the original state for some commands since a newly installed one may have higher priority than existing ones.

Newer major programs are using glibc 2.2 and are mostly internationalized. So a specially localized version such as jvim for Vim may not be needed as its functionality is offered by vim version 6.0 in X. In reality, it is still somewhat rough-edged. Since jvim has a version compiled with direct Japanese input method (canna) support even in the console and addresses many other Japanese-specific issues maturely, you may still want it :-)

Programs may need to be configured beyond locale configuration to enable a comfortable working environment. The language-env package and its command set-language-env greatly eases this process.

Also see the internationalization document, Introduction to i18n. It is aimed at developers but is also useful for system administrators.

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Debian 參考手冊

CVS, 週一 四月 3 22:58:37 UTC 2005

青木 修 (Osamu Aoki) osamu@debian.org
翻譯者:葉信佑 (Shine-Yoh Yeh) asho@debian.org.tw
作者, 第 A.1 節