
index_next is used to display the next loop index. On the last loop, this is still one more than the current index (respecting the setting of the step attribute, if given.)

index_next 用于显示下一个循环索引值. 循环执行到最后一次时,此值仍然比当前索引值大1(如果指定了step,取决于此值).

Example 7-23. section property index_next
例 7-22. section 的 index_next 属性演示

	{section name=customer loop=$custid}
	{$smarty.section.customer.index} id: {$custid[customer]}<br>
	{* FYI, $custid[customer.index] and $custid[customer] are identical in meaning *}
	{if $custid[customer.index_next] ne $custid[customer.index]}
    	The customer id will change<br>


	0 id: 1000<br>
    	The customer id will change<br>
	1 id: 1001<br>
    	The customer id will change<br>
	2 id: 1002<br>
    	The customer id will change<br>