Variables loaded from config files

Variables that are loaded from the config files are referenced by enclosing them within hash marks (#), or with the smarty variable $smarty.config.
The second syntax is useful for embedding into quoted attribute values.

配置文件中的变量需要通过用两个"#"或者是smarty的保留变量 $smarty.config.来调用(下节将讲到)
(译注:举个例子 {include file="#includefile#"} 这样#includefile#将被当作字符处理,而不表示配置文件变量,
    但可以这样表示 {include file="`$smarty.config.includefile`"}不要忘了加``)

Example 4-5. config variables
例 4-5.从配置文件引用的变量


pageTitle = "This is mine"
bodyBgColor = "#eeeeee"
tableBorderSize = "3"
tableBgColor = "#bbbbbb"
rowBgColor = "#cccccc"


{config_load file="foo.conf"}
<body bgcolor="{#bodyBgColor#}">
<table border="{#tableBorderSize#}" bgcolor="{#tableBgColor#}">
<tr bgcolor="{#rowBgColor#}">

index.tpl: (alternate syntax)

{config_load file="foo.conf"}
<body bgcolor="{$smarty.config.bodyBgColor}">
<table border="{$smarty.config.tableBorderSize}" bgcolor="{$smarty.config.tableBgColor}">
<tr bgcolor="{$smarty.config.rowBgColor}">

OUTPUT: (same for both examples)

<title>This is mine</title>
<body bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<table border="3" bgcolor="#bbbbbb">
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">

Config file variables cannot be used until after they are loaded in from a config file. This procedure is explained later in this document under {config_load}.

这个过程将在以后 {config_load}. 的章节里说明.